Table 3

- Univariate and multivariate analyses of clinicopathological factors linked to overall survival

VariablesUnivariate analysisMultivariate analysis
HR (95% CI)P-valueHR (95% CI)P-value
Change in NPS after NACR    
Elevated NPS group versus non-elevated NPS group1.631(1.061-2.507)0.0261.868 (1.063-2.646)0.036
Pre-NACR NPS    
≥3 versus <30.940 (0.589-1.501)0.796  
Post-NACR NPS    
≥3 versus <31.750 (1.140-2.687)0.0101.072 (0.622-1.848)0.803
Pre-NACR serum albumin (g/dL)    
<4 versus ≥41.088(0.658-1.797)0.742  
Pre-NACR total cholesterol (mg/dL)    
≤180 versus >1801.010(0.657-1.533)0.963  
Pre-NACR NLR    
>2.96 versus ≤2.960.806(0.505-1.287)0.366  
Pre-NACR LMR    
≤4.44 versus <4.441.057(0.639-1.746)0.830  
Post-NACR serum albumin (g/dL)    
<4 versus ≥41.154(0.858-1.897)0.527  
Post-NACR total cholesterol (mg/dL)    
≤180 versus >1801.284(0.837-1.804)0.253  
Post-NACR NLR    
>2.96 versus ≤2.961.162(0.749-1.84)0.502  
Post-NACR LMR    
≤4.44 versus <4.440.541(0.171-1.715)0.497  
Age (year)    
≥60 versus <601.093 (0.700-1.708)0.696  
Male versus female1.962 (0.947-4.067)0.07  
Tumor length    
>3 cm versus ≤3 cm1.861 (1.190-2.910)0.0061.636 (1.013-2.641)0.044
BMI (kg/m2)    
Before NAT (≤22 versus >22)1.483 (0.966-2.277)0.072  
Before surgery (≤22 versus >22)1.439 (0.938-2.208)0.096  
Tumor location    
Ut versus Mt/Lt1.034 (0.499-2.144)0.927  
ypTNM stage    
III-IV versus I-II4.127 (2.666-6.391)<0.0013.89 (2.475-6.115)<0.001
cTNM stage    
III-IV versus II1.010 (0.547-1.867)0.974  
  • HR: hazard ratio, LMR: lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio, NPS: naples prognostic score, NACR: neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, NLR: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, CI: confidence interval