Table 2

- Clinical, management, and outcome data of study cases.

Variablesn (%)
Total number of patients13 (100)
Age (<30 years)11 (85.0)
Male8 (62.0)
Female5 (38.0)
Co-morbidities6 (46.0)
Source of poisoning
Source-16 (46.0)
Source-23 (23.0)
Random source4 (31.0)
Clinical presentation
Incubation periodFew hours - 48 hours
Dyspghagia11 (85.0)
Visual symptoms9 (69.0)
Speech symptoms7 (54.0)
UL weakness9 (69.0)
LL weakness7 (54.0)
Respiratory symptoms7 (54.0)
GI symptoms8 (62.0)
Headach3 (23.0)
Dizziness5 (38.0)
Patients received IVIG7 (54.0)
Improvement after IVIG2 (29.0)
Patients received antitoxin13 (100)
Improvement after antitoxin12 (92.0)
Adverse reactions to antitoxin0 (0.0)
Patients received 3,4-DAP12 (92.0)
Improvement after 3,4-DAP10 (83.0)
Adverse reactions to 3,4-DAP2 (17.0)
Disease severity and outcome
Patients required ICU care12 (92.0)
Patient required MV1 (8.0)
Patient required NIV1 (8.0)
Patient required HFNC2 (15.0)
Patients discharged home11 (85.0)
ICU LOS*4 (2-9) days
Hospital LOS7 (2-19) days

UL: upper limb, LL: lower limb, GI: gastrointestinal, IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulin, 3,4-DAP: 3,4-diaminopyridine, MV: mechanical ventilation, NIV: non-invasive ventilation, HFNC: high flow nasal cannula, LOS: length of stay

  • Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%), average (minimum-maximum).

  • * Excluding a patient who is still in ICU.

  • Excluding the 2 patients who are still in the hospital.