Table 1

- Main features of the patients based on the lower urinary tract symptoms severity.

VariablesAll patients (N=193)Mild symptoms (n=84)Moderate to severe symptoms (n=109)P-values
Median age71 (66-77)70 (65-73.7)73 (67-79)<0.001
Age groups
<7073 (37.8)40 (47.6)33 (30.3)0.006
70-7453 (27.5)25 (29.8)28 (25.7)
≥7567 (34.7)19 (22.6)48 (44.0)
Marital status
Married176 (91.2)75 (89.3)101 (92.7)0.138
Single3 (1.6)3 (3.6)0 (0.0)
Widow14 (7.3)6 (7.1)8 (7.3)
Tobacco use
Non-smoker75 (38.9)38 (45.2)37 (33.9)0.189
Ex-smoker33 (17.1)31 (36.9)54 (49.5)
Active smoker85 (44.0)15 (17.9)18 (16.5)
BMI (kg/m2)27.5 (25.1-30.4)27.5 (25.2-31.1)27.4 (24.9-30)0.509
UAC (cm)27 (25-29)28 (26-29.7)27 (24-29)0.090
CC (cm)36 (33-38)36 (34-38)35 (33-38)0.048
CCI4 (3-5)3 (2.3-4)4 (3-5)0.002
BPH69 (35.8)19 (22.6)50 (45.9)<0.001
  • Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%) or medians (interquartile range [IQR]). BMI: body mass index, BPH: benign prostatic hyperplasia, CC: calf circumference, CCI: Charlson comorbidity index, UAC: upper arm circumference