Table 1

- Patient characteristics and CEA, CA 125, and CA 15-3 tumor marker levels in the study population..

Characteristicsn (%)
Male92 (1.3)
Female6,924 (98.7)
Age (years)
15-301,198 (17.1)
31-401,759 (25.1)
41-501,483 (21.1)
51-601,138 (16.2)
61-70848 (12.1)
71-80433 (6.2)
81-90129 (1.8)
91-10028 (0.4)
Demographic regions
Northern Region296 (4.2)
Central Region2,072 (29.5)
Eastern Region524 (7.5)
Western Region3,007 (42.9)
Southern Region1,117 (15.9)
Referred by hospital465 (6.6)
Self-referred6,551 (93.4)
CEA levels
Abnormal150 (2.1)
Normal6,866 (97.9)
CA 125 levels
Abnormal375 (5.3)
Normal6,641 (94.7)
CA 15-3 levels
Abnormal114 (1.6)
Normal6,902 (98.4)
  • Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).

  • CEA: carcinoembryonic antigen, CA 125: cancer antigen 125, CA 15-3: cancer antigen 15-3