Table 1

- The association between sociodemographic characteristics and anabolic steroid use.

CharacteristicsTotal (N=121) n (%)Use of anabolic steroidP-value
Yes n (%)No n (%)
18 – 23 y68 (56.2)23 (59.0)45 (58.5)0.91
24 – 29 y26 (21.5)9 (23.0)17 (20.7)
30 – 35 y11 9.1)3 (7.7)8 (9.7)
36 – 39 y10 (8.3)2 (5.1)8 (9.7)
≥ 40 y6 (5.0)2 (5.1)4 (4.9)
Level of education
School39 (32.2)11 (28.2)28 (34.1)0.80
Bachelor73 (60.3)25 (64.1)48 (58.5)
Postgraduate9 (7.4)3 (7.7)6 (7.3)
Marital Status
Single96 (79.3)34 (87.1)62 (75.6)0.014
Married23 (19.0)3 (7.7)20 (24.3)
Divorced/Widower2 (1.7)2 (5.1)0 (0.0)
Location of current residence
Urban111 (91.7)35 (89.7)76 (92.7)0.72
Rural10 (8.3)4 (10.2)6 (7.3)
Employment status
Student67 (55.4)21 (53.8)46 (56.1)0.16
Employed35 (28.9)8 (20.5)27 (32.9)
Unemployed13 (10.7)7 (17.9)6 (7.3)
Self-employed6 (5.0)3 (7.7)3 (3.6)
Personal monthly income
<1000 SR67 (55.4)25 (64.1)42 (51.2)0.30
1000 – 5999 SR29 (24.0)1 (2.5)20 (24.4)
6000 – 9999 SR10 (8.3)1 (2.5)9 (10.9)
10000 – 15000 SR7 (5.8)3 (7.7)4 (4.9)
>15000 SR78 (6.6)1 (2.5)7 (8.5)
Smoking status
Current Smoker40 (33.1)14 (35.9)26 (31.7)0.39
Non-smoker68 (55.3)19 (48.7)49 (59.7)
Previous smoker13 (10.7)6 (15.3)7 (8.5)
Body mass index (BMI)
Underweight (< 18)11 (9.1)2 (5.1)9 (10.9)0.70
Normal weight(18-24.99)51 (42.1)20 (51.3)31 (37.8)
Overweight (25-29.99)43 (35.5)12 (30.7)31 (37.8)
Obese (30-34.99)16 (13.2)5 (12.8)11 (13.4)
Total period of exercise
< 1 month43 (35.5)16 (41.0)27 (32.9)0.42
1 – 6 months24 (19.8)5 (12.8)19 (23.1)
7 – 12 months13 (10.7)3 (7.7)10 (12.2)
> 1 y41 (33.9)15 (38.4)26 (31.7)
Frequency of exercise per week
<3 times42 (34.7)16 (41.0)26 (31.7)0.41
3 – 5 times79 (65.5)23 (58.9)56 (68.3)
Time of daily exercise
<1 hour42 (34.7)15 (38.4)27 (32.9)0.82
1 – 2 hours70 (57.9)21 (53.8)49 (59.7)
>2 hours9 (7.4)3 (7.7)5 (6.1)
Following special diet
Never33 (27.3)9 (23.0)24 (29.2)0.568
Rarely19 (15.7)5 (12.8)14 (17.0)
Sometime45 (37.2)18 (46.1)27 (32.9)
Always24 (19.8)7 (17.9)17 (20.7)
Using dietary supplements
Never58 (47.9)18 (46.1)40 (48.8)0.51
Rarely18 (14.9)7 (17.9)11 (13.4)
Sometime22 (18.2)9 (23.0)13 (15.8)
Always23 (19.0)5 (12.8)18 (21.9)