- Characteristics of study population and neonatal outcomes.
Characteristics | n (%) |
Gender | |
Male | 74 (53.2) |
Female | 65 (46.8) |
Mother nationality | |
Saudi | 97 (69.7) |
Non-Saudi | 42 (30.3) |
Mode of delivery | |
Vaginal | 69 (49.6) |
Cesarean | 70 (53.2) |
Pregnancy identified | |
US | 28 (20.1) |
LMP | 90 (64.7) |
Clinical examination | 17 (12.2) |
Mother’s weight at delivery, kg (mean±SD) | 74.2±17.4 |
Mother’s height at delivery, cm (mean±SD) | 157.6±6 |
Maternal age, years (mean±SD) | 29.2±7.25 |
Average of antenatal visits (mean±SD) | 4.8±2.9 |
History of abortions | |
Yes | 32 (23.1) |
No | 107 (76.9) |
Plurality | |
Singletons | 120 (86.3) |
Twins | 13 (9.3) |
Triples | 6 (4.3) |
Primipara | 39 (28.0) |
GA, weeks (mean±SD) | 32.9±3.9 |
SGA | 62 (44.6) |
BW, grams | 1941±723 |
Length of stay in NICU, days (mean±SD) | 18.2±21.4 |
Weight at NICU discharge, g (mean±SD) | 2098±555 |
Low APGAR (<7 at 5 minutes) (mean±SD) | 24±17.2 |
According to GA | |
Extremely preterm (<28 weeks) | 15 (10.79) |
Very preterm (28 to <32 weeks) | 27 (19.42) |
Late preterm (32 to <37 weeks) | 97 (69.78) |
According to BW (grams) | |
Less than 1000 (ELBW) | 13 (9.35) |
1000 to 1499 (VLBW) | 25 (17.99) |
1500 to 2499 (LBW) | 74 (53.24) |
2500 to 3999 (NBW) | 27 (19.42) |
SD: standard deviation, US: ultrasound, LMP: last menstrual period, GA: gestational age, SGA: Small for gestational age, BW: birth weight, NICU: neonatal intensive care unit, ELBW: extremely low birth weight, VLBW: very low birth weight, LBW: low birth weight, NBW: normal birth weight