Table 4

- Comparison of risk factors of the preterm infants based on GA.

VariableExtremely preterm (n=15)Very preterm (n=27)Late preterm (n=97)P-value
BW, grams993 ± 4491413 ± 3752234 ± 614<0.001*
Age at delivery, years32.4 ± 5.427.5 ± 6.629.1 ± 7.50.119
Weight at delivery, kg73. 1 ± 14.773.1 ± 14.174.6 ± 18.70.90
APGAR score at 1 minute4.2 ± 2.35.2 ± 2.26.8 ± 2.1<0.001*
APGAR score at 5 minutes6 ± 1.97.3 ± 1.98.4 ± 1.1<0.001*
APGAR score at 10 minutes7.3 ± 2.18.4 ± 1.49.1 ± 0.9<0.001*
Length of stay in NICU40.2 ± 34.332.8 ± 16.310.7 ± 14.9<0.001*
PROM0.26 ± 0.450.25 ± 0.440.36 ± 0.480.52
Malpresentation0.13 ± 0.350.14 ± 0.320.15 ± 0.360.97

One-way ANOVA;

BW: birth weight; PROM: prolonged rupture of membrane, NICU: neonatal intensive care unit

  • * significant (p<0.05).