Table 1

- Clinical timeline of the patient presented in this manuscript.

Relevant past medical history and interventions
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and coronary artery disease treated with percutaneous coronary intervention 5 years ago.
DatesSummaries from initial and follow-up visitsDiagnostic testingInterventions
15/6/1990Diagnosed with ITPBone marrow biopsy confirming ITP diagnosisCorticosteroids
26/4/2008Admitted for diffuse petechial rash with some gum bleedingPlatelet levels at 1x109/LPrednisone 1mg/kg orally and IV immunoglobulins 50g daily for 2 days
23/2/2022Iron deficiency anemiaFerritin level at 20.7ug/LPrescribed ferrous gluconate
7/4/2022Platelet levels reduced significantlyPlatelet levels at 86x109/LCessation of ferrous gluconate

ITP: Immune thrombocytopenia, IV: intravenous