Table 3

- Factors affecting the prevalence of e-cigarette usage.

VariablesUse of e-cigaretteChi-t testFisher’s exactRegression model
NoYesRR95% CIP-values
Male52 (53.1)46 (46.9)<0.001*<0.001*5.803.53-9.53<0.001*
Female328 (86.8)50 (13.2)Ref.  
Saudi367 (81.4)84 (18.6)<0.001*0.001*0.3860.14-1.030.060
Non-Saudi13 (52.0)12 (48.0)Ref.  
Monthly income
I do not know79 (83.2)16 (16.8)0.8050.811Ref.  
<5000 SR33 (78.6)9 (21.4)0.940.31-2.890.926
5000-10000 SR82 (80.4)20 (19.6)0.690.28-1.700.425
>10000 SR186 (78.5)51 (21.5)1.180.57-2.440.654
Marital status
Single325 (78.7)88 (21.3)0.1870.130Ref.  
Married53 (88.3)7 (11.7)0.4870.21-1.110.087
Divorced2 (66.7)1 (33.3)1.8460.16-20.60.618
Marital status of parents
Married322 (79.7)82 (20.3)0.3330.390Ref.  
Divorced18 (69.2)8 (30.8)1.7450.733-4.1550.208
One of them has died30 (85.7)5 (14.3)0.6540.24-1.740.395
Both have died10 (90.9)1 (9.1)0.3930.04-3.110.376
Living with:
Parents358 (81.5)81 (18.5)<0.001*<0.001*Ref.  
`Alone21 (65.6)11 (34.4)2.3151.07-4.990.032*
With a friend1 (20.0)4 (80.0)17.671.94-160.280.010*
Do any of your friends or family members use e-cigarettes?
No186 (93.5)13 (6.5)<0.001*<0.001*Ref.  
Yes164 (66.9)81 (33.1)7.0663.79-13.160.000*
Not know30 (93.8)2 (6.3)0.9540.204-4.430.952
Are there any smokers in your accommodation?
No199 (85.0)35 (15.0)0.003*0.003*Ref.  
Yes152 (72.7)57 (27.3)2.131.33-3.410.002*
Not sure29 (87.9)4 (12.1)0.7840.259-2.3680.666

Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). CI: confidence interval, RR: relative risk, e-cigarette: electronic cigarettes, Ref.: reference, SR: Saudi Riyals