Table 1

- Demographic factors of the participants.

Variablesn (%)
Age (year), mean±SD21.29±2.37
Male98 (20.6)
Female378 (79.4)
Saudi451 (94.7)
Non-Saudi25 (5.3)
Monthly income
<5000 SR42 (8.8)
5000-10000 SR102 (21.4)
>10000 SR237 (49.8)
I do not know95 (20.0)
Not working but searching for work38 (8.0)
Not working and not searching for work8 (1.7)
Housewife10 (2.1)
Students336 (70.6)
Employee81 (17.0)
In military3 (0.6)
Marital status
Single413 (86.8)
Married60 (12.6)
Divorced3 (0.6)
Parent’s marital status
Married404 (84.9)
Divorced26 (5.5)
One of them has died35 (7.4)
Both have died11 (2.3)
Living with:
Parents439 (92.2)
Alone32 (6.7)
With a friend5 (1.1)
Current use of e-cigarettes
Yes, only e-cigarette38 (8.0)
Yes, in addition to regular cigarette12 (2.5)
No, but use them once46 (9.7)
No, and never used them380 (79.8)
Use of e-cigarette*
No380 (79.8)
Yes96 (20.2)
Do any of your friends or family members use e-cigarettes?
No199 (41.8)
Yes245 (51.5)
I do not know32 (6.7)
Are there any smokers in your accommodation?
No234 (49.2)
Yes209 (43.9)
Not sure33 (6.9)

Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).

E-cigarette: electronic cigarette, SD: standard deviation, SR: Saudi Riyals

  • * People who have used electronic cigarettes at any time in their lives.