Reasons for proceeding with appendectomy when an intra-operative grossly normal appendix is seen in pediatric patients suspected to have appendicitis and no other pathology was found | n (%) |
The possibility of microscopic /Endo appendicitis | 71 (34.8) |
To prevent future appendicitis | 28 (13.7) |
To avoid future confusion for the patient as to whether they had their appendix removed | 51 (25.0) |
It improves symptoms post-op | 19 (9.3) |
The operative consent dictated that you were going to remove the appendix | 12 (5.9) |
Patient/parent preference based on the consent discussion beforehand | 9 (4.4) |
Obligation to do something since the child is already in surgery | 3 (1.5) |
This is how I was trained | 11 (5.4) |