Table 1

- Characteristics of the participants.

VariablesNutrition Risk Screening-2002
No/Low riskSevere riskP-value
Age Group n (%)
<65 year286 (55.0)61 (25.5)<0.001
≥65 year234 (45.0)178 (74.5)
Age (year) (Embedded Image±SD)61.43 ± 13.0768.97 ± 12.16<0.001
Gender n (%)
Male299 (57.5)138 (57.7)0.950
Female221 (42.5)101 (42.3)
BMI (kg/m2)28.10 (15.80-49.60)26.10 (16.90-46.60)<0.001
BMI group n (%)
Underweight5 (1.0)3 (1.3)<0.001
Normal weight107 (20.6)91 (38.1)
Overweight204 (39.2)79 (33.1)
Obesity class I135 (26.0)48 (20.1)
Obesity class II50 (9.6)14 (5.9)
Obesity class III19 (3.7)4 (1.7)
NC (cm)39.0 (16.0-56.0)38.0 (19.0-59.0)0.001
MUAC (cm)31.0 (20.0-48.0)28.0 (16.0-43.0)<0.001
Total protein (g/dL)6.70 (2.0-8.93)6.46 (1.66-8.45)0.002
Albumin (g/dL)3.95 (0.90-7.94)3.83 (2.0-7.0)0.002
Age group n (%)   
<65 year239 (54.3)108 (33.9)<0.001
≥65 year201 (45.7)211 (66.1)
Age (year) (Embedded Image±SD)61.89 ± 13.3066.45 ± 12.76<0.001
 Three-Minute Nutrition Screening
Gender n (%)
Male258 (58.6)179 (56.1)0.487
Female182 (41.4)140 (43.9)
BMI (kg/m2)28.70 (18.0-47.10)26.10 (15.80-49.60)<0.001
BMI Group n (%)
Underweight2 (0.5)6 (1.9)<0.001
Normal weight75 (17.0)123 (38.6)
Overweight175 (39.8)108 (33.9)
Obesity class I127 (28.9)56 (17.6)
Obesity class II47 (10.7)17 (5.3)
Obesity class III14 (3.2)9 (2.8)
NC (cm)39.0 (16.0-56.0)37.50 (19.0-59.0)<0.001
MUAC (cm)31.0 (21.0-46.0)28.0 (16.0-48.)<0.001
Total protein (g/dL)6.70 (2.0-2.0-8.93)6.51 (1.66-8.45)0.002
Albumin (g/dL)4.01 (0.90-7.94)3.81 (2.0-7.0)<0.001

BMI: body mass index, MUAC: mid-upper arm circumference, NC: neck circumference, SD: standard deviation