Table 1

- Baseline demographics, clinical features, and disease characteristics in systemic lupus erythematosus patients.

Variablesn (%)
Male23 (9.0)
Female246 (91.0)
Age in years, mean±SD34.01±11.01
Marital status
Single116 (43.0)
Married125 (47.0)
Divorced25 (9.0)
Widowed3 (1.0)
Educational level
Illiterate11 (4.0)
Below secondary school33 (12.0)
Secondary school/diploma112 (42.0)
University/postgraduate113 (42.0)
Job status
Unemployed150 (56.0)
Student47 (18.0)
Employee61 (23.0)
Business6 (2.0)
Retired5 (2.0)
Average family income (SR/month)
<5000199 (74.0)
5000-1000038 (14.0)
10001-1500021 (8.0)
>1500011 (4.0)
Smoking status
Never smoke246 (92.0)
Current smoker17 (6.0)
Ex-smoker6 (2.0)
Body mass index
Underweight29 (11.0)
Normal90 (33.0)
Overweight74 (28.0)
Obese76 (29.0)
Duration in years (n=260)
<591 (35.0)
5-1099 (38.0)
>1070 (27.0)
Age at diagnosis (years)
≤1872 (27.0)
19-29104 (39.0)
30-3958 (22.0)
≥4031 (12.0)
SLE manifestations at time of diagnosis
Hair falling221 (82.0)
Oral/nasal ulcers147 (55.0)
Joint pain246 (91.0)
Skin rash163 (61.0)
Renal trouble92 (34.0)
Difficult breathing137 (51.0)
Chest pain137 (51.0)
Epilepsy20 (7.0)
Memory/concentration weakness118 (35.0)
Leukopenia146 (54.0)
Thrombocytopenia110 (41.0)
Albuminuria110 (41.0)
Venous/arterial thrombosis24 (9.0)
Number of medications
≤396 (36.0)
4-6109 (41.0)
>664 (24.0)

Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).

SD: standard deviation, SR: Saudi Riyals, SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus