Table 2

- Recurrent susceptibility to spontaneous miscarriage and Factor I fibrinogen rs6050 C/T polymorphism in non-pregnant Saudi women

GenotypeRSM non-pregnantControlPatients (non-pregnant RSM) vs. Control
n (%)ORn (%)ORORCIX2P-value
CC6 (12%)0.145 (10%) to 4.320.100.75
CT34 (68%)2.1314 (28%)0.395.462.32 to 12.8715.870.001
TT10 (20%)0.2531 (62%)1.630.150.06 to 0.3818.050.001
Alleles frequencies
C46 (46%)0.8524 (24%)0.322.661.47 to 4.94  
T54 (54%)1.1776 (76%)3.170.370.20 to 0.7810.580.001

CI: Confidence interval, vs: versus, A p-value of ≤0.05 determined statistical significance, OR: Odds ratio, X2: Chi-square