Table 4

- Factor XI plasma thromboplastin rs4253417 C/T polymorphism in non-pregnant Saudi women with recurrent spontaneous miscarriage.

GenotypeRSM non-pregnantControlPatients (RSM non-pregnant) vs. Control
n (%)ORn (%)ORORCIX2P-value
CC22 (44%)0.7922 (44%)0.791.000.45 to
CT6 (12%)0.149 (18%)0.220.640.20 to 1.900.700.40
TT22 (44%)0.7919 (38%)0.611.300.58 to 2.850.370.54
Alleles frequencies
C50 (50%)1.0053 (53%)1.130.880.51 to 1.54  
T50 (50%)1.0047 (47%)0.891.120.65 to 1.960.180.67

CI: Confidence interval, vs: versus, A p-value of ≤0.05 determined statistical significance, OR: odds ratio, X2: Chi-square