Table 1

- Demographic data of study participants in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (N=228).

Variablesn (%)
Male99 (43.4)
Female129 (56.6)
Age (years), mean±SD48.9±22.4
Educational level
Below high school94 (41.2)
College/university education130 (57.0)
Graduate/postgraduate education4 (1.8)
Family history of Alzheimer’s disease
Yes39 (17.1)
No136 (59.6)
Unknown53 (23.3)
Type of diabetes
T1DM106 (46.5)
T2DM115 (50.4)
Pre-diabetes7 (3.1)
Duration of diabetes (year)
<5 years70 (30.7)
5-1064 (28.1)
11-2058 (25.4)
>20 years36 (15.8)
Other comorbidity
Cardiovascular disease85 (29.8)
Blood pressure hypertension100 (48.9)
Obesity34 (15.3)
Other9 (6.0)
Smoking habit*
Smokers23 (10.0)
Non-smokers193 (85.0)
Not working/retired107 (46.9)
Housewife32 (14.0)
Student26 (11.4)
Administrator employee30 (13.2)
Other17 (7.4)
Source of Alzheimer’s’ knowledge
Health practitioner146 (64.0)
Family and friends35 (15.4)
Social media43 (18.9)
Other4 (1.7)

Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).

  • * Missing data. SD: standard deviation, T1DM: type 1 diabetes, T2DM: type 2 diabetes