Table 3

- Haematological parameters of compound heterozygous hemoglobin constant spring (n=28).

Coinheritancen (%)Haematological parameters
Hb (g/dL)RBC (1012/L)MCV (fl)MCH (pg)Hb CS level (%)
Het alpha 3.717 (60.7)11.9±18.25.2±0.972.8±3.622.9±1.41.1 (0.2)
Het alpha 4.23 (10.6)11.4±19.45.4±0.767.3±3.121.1±0.90.9 (0.2)
Hb Adana2 (7.1)4.1±25.51.8±1.389.2±28.424.1±3.73.2 (2.3)
Beta thal trait*1 (3.6)-----
Hb Quang Sze*1 (3.6)-----
Het IVS-1*1 (3.6)-----
Hb Malay*1 (3.6)-----
Het alpha SEA*1 (3.6)-----
Hb D punjab*1 (3.6)-----

Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%) and means ± standard deviations (SDs).

Hb: hemoglobin, RBC: red blood cell, MCV: mean corpuscular volume, MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin, Hb CS: hemoglobin constant spring, Het: heterozygous, IVS-1: Intervening Sequence-1, SEA: Southeast Asian

  • * No mean and SD value due to only one sample involved.