Table 3

- Respondents’ answers to questions “do you think that a healthy diet and follow-up with a nutritionist can improve or alleviate the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s?”.

Respondents’ answersCrosstabulation of the question with respondents’ levels of education
Below high schoolCollege/university educationGraduate/postgraduate educationTotalP-value
Yes73 (32.0)53 (23.0)3 (1.0)129 (57.0)0.049*
No33 (14.0)21 (9.0)0 (0.0)54 (24.0)
I don’t know24 (11.0)20 (9.0)1 (1.0)45 (20.0)
Total130 (57.0)94 (41.0)4 (2.0)228 (100)

Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).

  • * Significant p-value of <0.05.