- Outcome measures of included studies.
Studies | Interventions | Controls | Outcomes |
Bordini et al14 | The intervention group received parent training over 22 sessions of video modeling | The control group received the standard community treatment. |
Carlisle et al15 | The treatment group adopted a cat | The control group did not adopt a cat |
Chien et al16 | PEERS manual | Without PEERS manual |
Clifford et al17 | Parental psychoeducation sessions and anger control treatment | Parental psychoeducation sessions only |
Corbett et al18 | SENSE theatre | NEPSY theory of mind (verbal) subtest |
Grahame et al19 | Immediate intervention | Delayed intervention |
Ko et al20 | START treatment | Waitlist group |
LaGasse21 | Music therapy group | No-music social skills group |
Levin et al22 | Foster care ever institutionalized group |
Thompson et al23 | In-home FCMT in addition to their early intervention program | Early intervention programs only |
Studies | Interventions | Controls | Outcomes |
Fletcher-Watson et al24 | Intervention group received 2 months of app access at the same time as all usual treatments | Treatment as usual |
Wood et al25 | CBT | TAU |
Wood et al26 | CBT | ESCT |
Yoder et al27 | ImPACT | Business-as-usual control group |
Young et al28 | Comprehensive autism program | Business as usual programs |
Zheng et al29 | Immediate robotic intervention | Waitlist control |
Zhou et al30 | ESDM | COM group |
ABC: autism behavioural checklist, IQ: intelligent quotient, SRS: social responsive scale, SSiSRS: subtle social skills inventory (second edition) rating scale, SCARED: screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders, LAPS: Lincoln Alien psychopathology scale, CABS: coder adaptation of the bonding scale, PEERS: program for the education and enrichment of relational skills, ADOS: autism diagnostic observation schedule, TOM-V: theory of mind - verbal, TOM-C: theory of mind - contextual, ERP: event-related potentials, CGI-I: clinical global impressions - improvement scale, RRB: repetitive and restricted behaviors, START: social tools and rules for teens, SRS: social responsiveness scale, FCMT: family-centered, trauma-informed mindfulness training, BOSCC: brief observation of social communication change, MCDI: MacArthur communicative development inventory, CSBS-DP: communication and symbolic behavior scale - developmental profile, TAU: treatment-as-usual, CBT: cognitive behavioral therapy, ESCT: enhanced standard community treatment, ImPACT: improving parents as communication teachers, HR-Sibs: high risk siblings, ASD: autism spectrum disorder, ESDM: early start Denver model, COM: community group, BLH: bilingual homes, MLH: monolingual homes, SCQ: social communication questionnaire, CAUG: care-as-usual group, WLC: waitlist control, IG: immediate intervention group, DG: delayed intervention group, FCG: family-centered foster care