Table 1

- Baseline characteristics of the included studies.

AuthorsYearsRegistrationCountry of patientsStudy designStudy durationTotal (N)InterventionControlAge of cases, years (mean)Age of controls, years (mean)Gender of cases (F/M%)Gender of control (F/M%)
Bordini et al142020NCT02235467BrazilA multicentre, single-blinded, randomised clinical pilot trial-6734 the intervention group received parent training over 22 sessions of video modeling33 the control group received the standard community treatment4.76±1.234.8±1.4129.4/70.69.4/90.6
Carlisle et al152020NCT03625297USARCT18 weeks1110 the treatment group adopted a cat7 the control group did not adopt a catParents 37.20 Children 9Parents 38.86 Children 8.57100/0.0100/0.0
Chien et al162021201612185RINCTaiwanrandomized3-6 months8241 PEERS manual41 without PEERS manual25.3±4.527.6±6.014.6/85.417.1/82.9
Clifford et al172022NCT05221515NetherlandRCTNA5126 parental psychoeducation sessions and anger control treatment24 parental psychoeducation sessions only10.2±1.5810.2±1.5623.1/76.925.0/75.0
Corbett et al182019NAUSARCT10 weeks8744 SENSE theatre33 NEPSY theory of mind (verbal) subtest11.12±2.5410.58±2.3225.0/75.021.2/78.8
Grahame et al192015NAEnglandPilot randomized trail24 weeks4523 immediate intervention20 delayed intervention5.04±1.125.23±1.414.0/96.025.0/75.0
Ko et al202018NAUSARCT20 weeks4016 START treatment19 waitlist group13.25±1.4813.74±1.5231.0/69.032.0/68.0
LaGass212014NAUSARCT5 weeks179 music therapy group8 no-music social skills group7.58±1.06 for both groupNA22.2/77.833.3/66.7
Levin et al222014NARomaniaRCT 21760 foster care ever institutionalized group57 usual care ever institutionalized group 100 never institutionalized group22.6 monthsApproximately 10NANA
Thompson et al232013ACTRN 12611000391976AustraliaRCT3 months2312 in-home FCMT in addition to their early intervention programme11 early intervention programme only43.92±6.46 months47.00±7.18 monthsNANA
Fletcher-Watson et al242016NCT01493609UKRCT2 months5427 intervention group received 2 months of app access at the same time as all usual treatments27 they receive treatment as usual49.30±10.9 months49.96±13.2 months22.0/78.019.0/81.0
Wood et al252014NAUSAPreliminary RCT16 weeks137 cognitive behavioral therapy6 treatment-as-usual8.7±1.8)8.8±1.4729.0/71.017.0/83.0
Wood et al262021NCT02010086 & NCT01784263USARCT32 weeks10352 cognitive behavioral therapy51 enhanced standard community treatment116.5±24.8 months113.0±20.2 months15.4/84.611.8/88.2
Yoder et al272022140924USARCT12 weeks9749 improving parents as communication teachers48 business-as-usual control group14±2 months14±2 months45.0/55.042.0/52.0
Young et al282016NAUSARCTNA302178 comprehensive autism program124 business as usual programs51.71±9.16 months53.96±8.46 months18.5/81.521.8/78.2
Zheng et al292020NAUSARandomized trail3-9 weeks2311 immediate robotic intervention9 waitlist controlaverage age: 2.54, range 1.64-3.14NANANA
Zhou et al302019NCT00698997USARCT3 months37132412-26 months12-26 months46.2/53.841.7/58.3

RCT: randomized controlled trial, NA: not available, PEERS: program for the education and enrichment of relational skills, SENSE: social emotional neuroscience endocrinology, FCMT: family-centred music therapy