Table of Contents
July 01, 2008; Volume 29,Issue 7
Alangari, Abdullah A.
- Open AccessIntravenous immunoglobulin utilization in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia.Abdullah A. Alangari, Mohammad H. Abutaleb, Ahmad A. Albarraq and Abdullatif A. Al-DhowailieSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 975-979;
Albarraq, Ahmad A.
- Open AccessIntravenous immunoglobulin utilization in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia.Abdullah A. Alangari, Mohammad H. Abutaleb, Ahmad A. Albarraq and Abdullatif A. Al-DhowailieSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 975-979;
Almosawi, Taki A.
- Open AccessSputum eosinophil markers in monitoring asthmatic patients in United Arab Emirates.Taki A. Almosawi, Tarik S. Al-Zubaidy and Peter H. HoworthSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 1061-1064;
Alotair, Hadeel A.
- Open AccessContinuous positive airway pressure compliance in Saudi men and women with sleep apnea.Hadeel A. Alotair and Ahmed S. BahammamSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 1064-1065;
Ammari, Bassam A.
- Open AccessDuration of venous occlusion with lidocaine for preventing propofol induced pain.Islam M. Massad, Hamdi M. Abu-Ali, Subhi A. Al-Ghanem, Izdiad Z. Badran, Bassam A. Ammari and Salam S. DaradkehSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 971-974;
Antony, Paul T.
- Open AccessA rare cause of recurrent dyspnea.Chandrasekharan Rajasekharan, Ashish J. Mathew, Paul T. Antony and Alummootil G. KoshySaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 1066-1067;
Arpaci, Rabia
- Open AccessUncommon locations of hydatid cyst.Nebil Bal, Nazim E. Kocer, Rabia Arpaci, Ali Ezer and Fazilet KayaselcukSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 1004-1008;
Arseneau, Jocelyne
- Open AccessEndometrioid adenocarcinoma 13 years after total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.Ayman Al-Talib, Lucy Gilbert and Jocelyne ArseneauSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 1044-1047;
Ashshi, Ahmad M.
- Open AccessMulti-drug resistant Ewingella americana.Syed Z. Bukhari, Waleed M. Hussain, Mohammad I. Fatani and Ahmad M. AshshiSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 1051-1053;
Azarpazhooh, Mohmoud R.
- Open AccessThe relation between short-term oral contraceptive consumption and cerebrovascular, cardiovascular disorders in Iranian women attending Hajj.Mohmoud R. Azarpazhooh, Shahram Rafi, Mohammad M. Etemadi, Nayereh Khadem and Afsoon FazlinejadSaudi Medical Journal July 2008, 29 (7) 1024-1027;