Authors are invited to submit for publication articles with a wide spectrum of coverage reporting original work, epidemiology, public health, indigenous disease, and standards of health care from all parts of the globe. Basic research with clear clinical implications will also be considered.
Articles published in Saudi Medical Journal are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC).
All manuscripts submitted are initially reviewed by Editors. Articles rejected at this stage are those that are too specialized and outwith the scope of the journal, an older study date that end-pointed more than 5 years, lacks originality, and does not add new information to the literature. Also, those that were previously rejected by the editor cannot be considered for submission. Manuscripts found suitable for processing are sent to three external reviewers. Saudi Medical Journal practices a double-blind peer-review process. To ensure appropriate methodology and scientific quality, articles are referred to a Biostatistician and Scientific Editor. In cases where there is a discrepancy in the decision of reviewers, the manuscript is sent to an Editorial and Advisory Board member. Articles invited for revision will be screened using CrossCheck for plagiarism and similarity. If articles are free from plagiarism and duplication, the reviewer’s comments are sent to the corresponding author for revision. When revised manuscripts are received, the journal contacts the original reviewers for reassessment. The journal aims to reach a decision within six to eight weeks from submission.
When revision and reassessment of the manuscript are complete and the article is provisionally accepted; it will now be forwarded to copyediting. Prior to publication, the editing department will contact the corresponding author for the necessary changes regarding the typesetting, copyediting (mechanical and substantive), and proofreading requirements. Final acceptance is only confirmed after the galley proof is prepared, edited, and approved for publication. A manuscript is considered for publication on the condition that its contents have not appeared elsewhere.