Index by author
October 01, 2003; Volume 24,Issue 10
Awada, Adnan
- Open AccessMolecular analysis of the spinal muscular atrophy and neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein genes in Saudi patients with spinal muscular atrophyMohammed Al-Jumah, Ramanath Majumdar, Saad Al-Rajeh, Adnan Awada, Enrique Chaves-Carbello, Mustafa Salih, Saad Al-Shahwan, Khalid Al-Subiey and Shifa Al-UthaimSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1052-1054;
Bayramoglu, Alp
- Open AccessAn anomalous artery supplying the right lobe of the liverKadriye M. Erbil, Alp Bayramoglu and Deniz DemiryurekSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1141-1142;
Bozkurt, Ali I.
- Open AccessPlasma copper and zinc levels in pregnant women in Gaziantep, TurkeyIclal Meram, Ali I. Bozkurt, Sibel Ahi and Servet OzgurSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1121-1125;
Celik, H. Hamdi
- Open AccessLight and electron microscopic examination of human subungual tissue. Glomus and lamellated bodiesMustafa F. Sargon, H. Hamdi Celik, C. Cem Denk, Attila Dagdeviren and Gursel LeblebiciogluSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1126-1129;
Chaves-carbello, Enrique
- Open AccessMolecular analysis of the spinal muscular atrophy and neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein genes in Saudi patients with spinal muscular atrophyMohammed Al-Jumah, Ramanath Majumdar, Saad Al-Rajeh, Adnan Awada, Enrique Chaves-Carbello, Mustafa Salih, Saad Al-Shahwan, Khalid Al-Subiey and Shifa Al-UthaimSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1052-1054;
Dafallah, Saeed E.
- Open AccessObstructed labor in a teaching hospital in SudanSaeed E. Dafallah, Justin Ambago and Faroug El-AgibSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1102-1104;
Dafterdar, Rofaida M.
- Open AccessEvaluation of 6 cardiac troponin assays in patients with acute coronary syndromeSalam M. Saadeddin, Moh'd A. Habbab, Hisham H. Siddieg, Mohammed N. Al Seeni, Ashraf B. Tahery and Rofaida M. DafterdarSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1092-1097;
Dagdeviren, Attila
- Open AccessLight and electron microscopic examination of human subungual tissue. Glomus and lamellated bodiesMustafa F. Sargon, H. Hamdi Celik, C. Cem Denk, Attila Dagdeviren and Gursel LeblebiciogluSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1126-1129;
Demiryurek, Deniz
- Open AccessAn anomalous artery supplying the right lobe of the liverKadriye M. Erbil, Alp Bayramoglu and Deniz DemiryurekSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1141-1142;
Denk, C. Cem
- Open AccessLight and electron microscopic examination of human subungual tissue. Glomus and lamellated bodiesMustafa F. Sargon, H. Hamdi Celik, C. Cem Denk, Attila Dagdeviren and Gursel LeblebiciogluSaudi Medical Journal October 2003, 24 (10) 1126-1129;
In this issue
Saudi Medical Journal
Vol. 24, Issue 10
1 Oct 2003