Index by author
October 01, 2004; Volume 25,Issue 10
Wani, Arshad I.
- Open AccessClinical and endocrine aspects of pituitary tumorsAbdul H. Zargar, Bashir A. Laway, Shariq R. Masoodi, Mohammad Salahuddin, Mohammad A. Ganie, Mohammad H. Bhat, Arshad I. Wani and Mir I. BashirSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1428-1432;
Yaman, Akgun
- Open AccessInvestigation of the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of pathogens causing nosocomial infectionsAkgun Yaman, Yesim Tasova, Filiz Kibar, Ayse S. Inal, Nese Saltoglu, Ozlem Buyukcelik, Behice Kurtaran and Ismail H. DundarSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1403-1409;
Yasseen, Akeel A.
- Open AccessSpecific chromosomal satellite association among infertile male patientsAkeel A. Yasseen and Salih M. Al-KhafajiSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1527-1529;
Yetkin, Ufuk
- Open AccessArteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis. Patency rates and complicationsOzalp Karabay, Ufuk Yetkin and Hakan OnolSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1518-1520;
Yildirim, Hanefi
- Open AccessVolume assessment of age-related conversion of the tympanic cavity by helicalAhmet Kavakli, Murat Ogeturk, Hanefi Yildirim, Sacide Karakas, Turgut Karlidag and Mustafa SarsilmazSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1378-1381;
Yilmaz, Serif
- Open AccessAn unusual presentation of primary amyloidosisMehmet Dursun, Orhan Ayyildiz, Serif Yilmaz and Aslan BiliciSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1478-1481;
Yukselen, Vahit
- Open AccessSalmonellosis and ulcerative colitis. A causal relationship or just a coincidenceAli O. Karaoglu, Vahit Yukselen, Gunay T. Ertem and Muhan ErkusSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1486-1488;
Zailaie, Mohammad
- Open AccessThe effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the release rates of leukotrienes B4 and C4 from cultured skin melanocytes of active vitiligoMohammad ZailaieSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1439-1444;
Zali, Mohammad R.
- Open AccessEffectiveness of Hepatitis B vaccination in children of chronic hepatitis B mothersPeyman Adibi, Rezvan Ghassemian, Seyed-Moayed Alavian, Mitra Ranjbar, Amir H. Mohammadalizadeh, Fariborz Nematizadeh, Mojgan Mamani, Mahdi Rezazadeh, Fariba Keramat, Ali Ardalan, Abbas Esmaeili and Mohammad R. ZaliSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1414-1418;
Zargar, Abdul H.
- Open AccessClinical and endocrine aspects of pituitary tumorsAbdul H. Zargar, Bashir A. Laway, Shariq R. Masoodi, Mohammad Salahuddin, Mohammad A. Ganie, Mohammad H. Bhat, Arshad I. Wani and Mir I. BashirSaudi Medical Journal October 2004, 25 (10) 1428-1432;
In this issue
Saudi Medical Journal
Vol. 25, Issue 10
1 Oct 2004