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Which local anesthesia should be used in neonatal circumcision in newborns?
Ercan Sivasli, Tugba Gursoy and Murat Yurdakok
Saudi Medical Journal April 2005, 26 (4) 690-691;
Ercan Sivasli
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ihsan Dogramaci Children's Hospital, Ankara 06100, Turkey. Tel. +90 (312) 3051390. Fax. +90 (312) 3105509. E-mail: [email protected]
Tugba Gursoy
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ihsan Dogramaci Children's Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.
Murat Yurdakok
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ihsan Dogramaci Children's Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.

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Which local anesthesia should be used in neonatal circumcision in newborns?
Ercan Sivasli, Tugba Gursoy, Murat Yurdakok
Saudi Medical Journal Apr 2005, 26 (4) 690-691;
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