Table of Contents
June 01, 2005; Volume 26,Issue 6
Morsi, Magdi M.
- Open AccessDiabetes in OmanAsya A. Al-Riyami, Mustafa M Afifi and Magdi M. MorsiSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 1015-1016;
Nair, Arun K.
- Open AccessIdentifying futility in a neonatal intensive care unit settingShabih Manzar, Arun K. Nair, Mangalore G. Pai and Saleh M. Al-KhusaibySaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 960-963;
Najm, Hani
- Open AccessPostoperative cardiac intensive care outcome for Down syndrome childrenMohamed S. Kabbani, Santhanam Giridhar, Mahmoud Elbarbary, Mohamed-Adel Elgamal, Hani Najm and Michael GodmanSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 943-946;
Nirmala, Vedakkepat
- Open AccessInflammatory fibroid polyp of the ileum causing intussusceptionKamran A. Malik, Girish K. Pande, Zia Aftab and Vedakkepat NirmalaSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 995-998;
Nwoku, Alagumba L.
- Open AccessPediatric myoepithelioma of the palateAlagumba L. Nwoku, Saud Al-Shlash and Abdulla Al-AtelSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 999-1002;
Otman, Ayse S.
- Open AccessThe risk factors of fall and their correlation with balance, depression, cognitive impairment and mobility skills in elderly nursing home residentsNezire Kose, Sevil Cuvalci, Gamze Ekici, Ayse S. Otman and Mehmet G. KarakayaSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 978-981;
Ozbek, Aydin
- Open AccessComparative study on apoptosis in the testes of normal and alcoholic ratsYalin Bamac, Tuncay Colak, Belgin Bamac, Cengiz Ercin, Baris Ozturk and Aydin OzbekSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 928-933;
Ozbilgin, Kemal
- Open AccessTwo oestrous cycles. Ten days insulin treatment reduced ovarian leptin expression of ratKemal Ozbilgin and Naci K. KuscuSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 923-927;
Ozturk, Baris
- Open AccessComparative study on apoptosis in the testes of normal and alcoholic ratsYalin Bamac, Tuncay Colak, Belgin Bamac, Cengiz Ercin, Baris Ozturk and Aydin OzbekSaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 928-933;
Pai, Mangalore G.
- Open AccessIdentifying futility in a neonatal intensive care unit settingShabih Manzar, Arun K. Nair, Mangalore G. Pai and Saleh M. Al-KhusaibySaudi Medical Journal June 2005, 26 (6) 960-963;