Index by author
February 01, 2006; Volume 27,Issue 2
Abbag, Fuad I.
- Open AccessCongenital heart diseases and other major anomalies in patients with Down syndromeFuad I. AbbagSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 219-222;
Abdelaziz, Muntasir M.
- Open AccessEffects of henna dye on oxygen saturation reading using pulse oximetryYaseen S. Samman, Jamilah S. Rahimi, Siraj O. Wali, Aymen B. Krayem and Muntasir M. AbdelazizSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 268-269;
Abdulmajeed, Talat M.
- Open AccessFracture of the anterior iliac crest following autogenous bone graftingMohammad J. Al-Sayyad and Talat M. AbdulmajeedSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 254-258;
Abu Khalaf, Mahmoud
- Open AccessAdhesive intestinal obstruction in pediatric patients in JordanHashem M. Al-Momani, Mohd. M. Saleem and Mahmoud Abu KhalafSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 274-276;
Afifi, Mustafa
- Open AccessStudy designs in healthcare researchMustafa Afifi and Yaseen ArabiSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 283;
Ahmed, Mohamed E.
- Open AccessAnastomotic esophageal leak due to Taenia saginata following esophagectomy for esophageal cancerReem M. Baleela, Mohamed Y. Huessain and Mohamed E. AhmedSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 241-243;
Akarsu, Ersin
- Open AccessThe relationship between serum total sialic acid levels and adenosine deaminase activity in obesityNaciye Kurtul, Ersin Akarsu and Sebnem AktaranSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 170-173;
Aktaran, Sebnem
- Open AccessThe relationship between serum total sialic acid levels and adenosine deaminase activity in obesityNaciye Kurtul, Ersin Akarsu and Sebnem AktaranSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 170-173;
Al-agha, Abdulmoein E.
- Open AccessMultiple daily insulin regimen using insulin glargine in type 1 diabetic Saudi childrenBassam S. Bin-Abbas, Abdulmoein E. Al-Agha, Nadia A. Sakati and Abdullah A. Al-AshwalSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 262-264;
Al-alawi, Alia S.
- Open AccessFamilial occurrence of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis in 3 siblingsAlia S. Al-AlawiSaudi Medical Journal February 2006, 27 (2) 238-240;
In this issue
Saudi Medical Journal
Vol. 27, Issue 2
1 Feb 2006