Index by author
August 01, 2006; Volume 27,Issue 8
Yigit, Seyran
- Open AccessComparison of underlying lesions in pediatric and adult ovarian torsionSafiye Aktas, Seyran Yigit, Gulden Diniz, Fatma S. Pehlivan and Ragip OrtacSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1183-1186;
Yigit, Taner
- Open AccessCan incision barrier decrease the risk of surgical site infection after appendectomy?Mustafa T. Ozer, Taner Yigit, Ali I. Uzar, Mehmet Eryilmaz, Orhan Kozak, Sadettin Cetiner, Ismail Arslan and Turgut TufanSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1259-1261;
Yilmaz, Necat
- Open AccessDiagnostic value of bilirubin concentrations compared with novel and traditional biomarkers in atherosclerosis with coronary artery diseaseNecat Yilmaz, Hulya K. Cicek, Ahmet Celik and Vedat DavutogluSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1262-1264;
Yucel, Deniz
- Open AccessNumerical variation of the celiac trunk and anatomical variation in origin and course of the dorsal pancreatic arteryMustafa Karakose, Tuncay Peker, Nadir Gulekon, Deniz Yucel and Hale OktemSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1232-1235;
Zahra, Safiri
- Open AccessDevelopment of an ultra rapid and simple multiplex polymerase chain reaction technique for detection of Salmonella typhiKarami Ali, Ahmadi Zeynab, Safiri Zahra, Khalilpour Akbar and Morrovati SaeidSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1134-1138;
Zangana, Abdulqadir M.
- Open AccessTwisted mixed germ cell tumor of the ovary in a childAbdulqadir M. ZanganaSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1240-1243;
Zencir, Mehmet
- Open AccessAdolescent pregnancy in West Turkey. Cross sectional survey of married adolescentsAysun Ozsahin, Mehmet Zencir, Birsen Gokce and Nurhan AcimisSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1177-1182;
Zeynab, Ahmadi
- Open AccessDevelopment of an ultra rapid and simple multiplex polymerase chain reaction technique for detection of Salmonella typhiKarami Ali, Ahmadi Zeynab, Safiri Zahra, Khalilpour Akbar and Morrovati SaeidSaudi Medical Journal August 2006, 27 (8) 1134-1138;
In this issue
Saudi Medical Journal
Vol. 27, Issue 8
1 Aug 2006