Index by author
September 01, 2006; Volume 27,Issue 9
Vahedian, Jalal
- Open AccessArterial homograft and medical therapy in pseudoaneurysm of infrarenal aorta concomitant with recurrent right ventricular thrombus in Behcet's diseaseJalal Vahedian and Ali SadeghpourSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1401-1403;
Vehid, Suphi
- Open AccessThe prevalence and the age at the onset of menopause in Turkish women in rural areaSuphi Vehid, Sinan N. Aran, Selcuk Koksal, Haluk Isiloglu and Mustafa SenocakSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1381-1386;
Veisi, Pegah
- Open AccessCardiovascular disease risk factors in patients with confirmed cardiovascular diseaseMohammad Aghaeishahsavari, Masood Noroozianavval, Pegah Veisi, Raziye Parizad and Jahanbakhsh SamadikhahSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1358-1361;
Yarmohammadi, Hooman
- Open AccessIntestinal obstruction. A rare delayed presentation of traumatic diaphragmatic herniaHooman Yarmohammadi, Leyla Ghahramani and Abdoulrasoul TaleiSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1425-1426;
Yildirim, Umran
- Open AccessPityriasis rubra pilaris in association with hepatitis ATeoman Erdem, Mustafa Atasoy, Cihangir Aliagaoglu, Mehmet Melikoglu and Umran YildirimSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1421-1422;
Yildiz, Oznur A.
- Open AccessPatients adherence to treatment and knowledge about chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseBanu E. Gulbay, Rusina Dogan, Oznur A. Yildiz, Ozlem U. Gurkan, Turan Acican, Sevgi Saryal, Gulseren Karabiyikoglu and Kenan KoseSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1427-1429;
Yilmaz, Abdulkerim
- Open AccessEffects of statins on bone mineral densityAbdulkerim Yilmaz, Osman Arikan and Sebile DokmetasSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1433-1435;
Yucekule, Necmi
- Open AccessComputed tomography in detecting bone metastases of breast carcinoma. Is it better than plain x-ray?Sabahattin Aslan, Bahadir Cetin, Melih Akinci, Meltem Cetin, Necmi Yucekule and Abdullah CetinSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1326-1328;
Zangana, Abdulqadir M.
- Open AccessSatellite implantation of the skin with malignant melanomaAbdulqadir M. ZanganaSaudi Medical Journal September 2006, 27 (9) 1404-1406;