Development and progress is the goal of any successful institution. Saudi Medical Journal (SMJ) has always adopted new changes in order to facilitate the search for knowledge.
Beginning of 2015, the journal started assigning DOIs for the published articles. This served as a unique persistent identifier of all published content.
The journal welcomed submissions of Systematic Reviews. It is hoped that this new section will enrich the journal’s content.
We have also announced the inclusion of articles in PubMed Central (PMC). Full text articles are made available in PDF, HTML and EPub formats. Another significant development is the indexing of SMJ in EBSCO. EBSCO is used by thousands of institutions worldwide with millions of end-users. With the recent indexing in these databases, we anticipate enhanced visibility and accessibility of our articles.
Few changes have been adopted to avoid unnecessary printing. As most turns to online reading, annual indexes will be available in the website.
In the past years, the journal has experienced problems with regard to: 1) authors withdrawing their submissions after peer review and revision; 2) authors withdrawing their manuscript after provisional acceptance and when they are in proof; and lastly authors with submissions under revision not responding to communication. We think that this is unethical and a waste of effort. To address the growing number of withdrawn cases, a policy for withdrawing manuscript was established. With this new policy, we expect the number of withdrawn cases to drop in the coming months ahead. Detailed information regarding the policy is included in the Instructions to Authors.
Our advocacy extends from publishing to continuous education. SMJ as a leading medical journal in the region, has carried out the responsibility of education in scientific publication, medical writing, and medical ethics, as well as educating the authors on how to avoid rejection. Thankfully, we managed to conduct the first course in November 2015 with great positive feedback from the attendees.
This is a year of several significant changes in the editorial team.
We would like to take this opportunity to honor Maj. Gen. Dr. Saeed M. Al-Asmary on his retirement. On behalf of the editors and editorial team, we recognized with deepest appreciation all his support over the years. SMJ is privilege to work with such leaders like Dr. Al-Asmary.
After years of dedicated editorship, Ali AlBarrak stepped down as Editor-in-Chief to focus more on his responsibilities in the Ministry of Health. During his term, the journal had many significant advances. The journal joined COPE, obtained the DOI, and was indexed in PMC and Directory of Open Access (DOAJ). He has made several progresses in the editorial operations. He took charge in shaping the journal’s image, and increasing the journal exposure at the national and international level. A visionary and a very hands-on leader, his leadership is fundamental to the journal’s success.
Several of our Associate Editors have also ended their terms, Hesham Al-Khashan, Ahmed Al-Awwad, and Arwa Al-Sayed. We are grateful for their hard work and support over the years. With great sadness, we also bid farewell to one of the senior member, Assistant Editor Susan Douglas. Having worked for several years, she has been responsible for supervising the copy editing department.
On a positive note, we welcome the new Editorial Director Maj. Gen Suleiman M. Al-Malik. He is well regarded for his management skills and we look forward to SMJ benefitting highly from his expertise in the years ahead.
Stepping into the role as Editor-in-Chief is Fahdah Alokaily. She has been an Associate Editor of the journal over the years. Along with Maha Al-Mohaya as First Deputy Editor, we look forward to the journal’s continued success.
Also, we would like to welcome on board the new Associate Editors Abdulrahman Al-Asmari, Ali Albenmousa, Sultan Alzaaidi, and Adel Al-Harbi. Certainly, they will be a valuable addition to the team.
As we stack our board with essential experts, we also welcome the new Editorial Board members; Sabah Jastaneiah, Suzan Attar, Mohammad Arabi, Hanan Al-Kadri, Ahmed Fagih, and Basil Elnazir. We also like to acknowledge our previous board whose term ended this year; Mohammed Al-Omran, Huda Bukharie, Baker Dajani, Hamdi Shelleh, and Mostafa Youssef.
We express our heartfelt thanks to our reviewers and authors for their continued support and commitment.
Annual Statistics
This year, we received 1220 manuscripts from which we processed 981 articles that have complied to the journal requirements (Figure 1). We have a high rejection rate of 69% as it includes articles that do not merit publication due to low scientific value, out of scope, and articles that have ethical issues. Peer review remains a great challenge in our editorial process. Of particular, were the low response of reviewers and lack of appropriate experts to review multidisciplinary studies. This therefore requires more effort from the reviewers and staff. SMJ is continuously striving to improve our processes to better serve our authors and reviewers and we look forward to overcoming this obstacle in the future.
Number and type of manuscripts processed for the year 2015.
This year, we published 246 articles with a total of 1509 pages (Table 1). Our average processing time is 5.3 months. The time from receipt of manuscript until its publication is one of the areas that we are always keen on improving. With the diversity of the countries of origin of the articles published in SMJ, we encourage more publication from other parts of the globe to expand the spectrum of authors, to increase dissemination of knowledge, and uphold the journal’s international profile.
Origin of “peer-reviewed” articles published in Saudi Medical Journal for the year 2015.
The journal’s latest impact factor is 0.588. It has remained relatively steady over the last 5 years, however, based on SCImago Journal Rank our H index of 33 has remained consistent over the last 5 years in comparison with other local medical journals in the region (Table 2). SCImago Journal Rank Indicator is a measure of journal’s impact, influence or prestige. Although we believe that Impact Factor (IF) itself is not the absolute indicator to gauge the journal’s performance, we shall take every effort to improve in this area to attract best quality articles of high interest and impact.
Saudi Medical Journal’s impact factor and journal ranks for the last 5 years.
As another busy year beckons, we look forward to new opportunities and challenges with renewed enthusiasm and optimism.
Our thanks also go to the reviewers who have participated in the excellent review of manuscripts and books for the year 2015.
A. Fretzayas
Aasim Farooq Shah
Abdel Hady El Gilany
Abdel-Raheim Meki
Abdulaziz Rashed Alshaer*
Abdulla Alabassi*
Abdullah Alkhenizan*
Abdulmohsen Alkushi*
Abdulmohsen Habib Al-Elq*
Abdulrahman Al-Asmari*
Abdulrahman Arabi
Abimbola O. Osoba*
Adam Taylor
Adel Mansour
Adrian Levy
Adriana Shinagawa
Afaf Al Adsani
Afaf Al-Ansary
Afsaneh Rad
Ahmed Ibrahim
Ahmed Ali Ahmed
Ahmed Kaithal Shahir
Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim
Ahmed Malalla Al Ansari
Ahmed Y. Dallal Bashi
Aiji Boku
Akhilanand Chaurasia
Akin Eraslan Balci
Akram Kharroubi
Alan Dugdale
Albert Moore
Alberto Mendoza
Albrich Werner
Alessio Naccarati
Alfredo Esguep Sarah
Ali Keles
Ali Mokdad
Ali Somily
Ali Anwar Aboalela
Ali Senosi Omrani*
Ali Zumla
Alidianne Fabia Cabral Xavier
Alipasha Meysamie
Alison Chetlen
Alpaslan Apan
Alpdogan Kantarci
Alphonsus Onyiriuka
Al-Rahim Habib
Alun Jackson
Amal Swelem
Amanda Fowler
Amanda Nicole Szabo-Reed
Amaury Pozos-Guillen
Amedeo Lonardo
Amer Kamal Al-Ansari
Amer Khan
Amir Khaliq
Amira M. El Gohary
Ana Claudia Alves Luna
Ana Filipa Mourao
Ana Paula Brazileiro Vilar Hermont
Anderson Sena Barnabe
Andrea Baragetti
Andrea Doud
Andrea Giaccari
Andrea Melani
Andreas Wicki
Andrew Collier
Andrew Courtwright
Andrew Decker
Andrew G. Lee
Andrew Lozen
Andrew Sandford
Andrew Smith
Angelo Avogaro
Anil Agarwal
Anil Kumar Gupta
Anita Jeyakumar
Anjum Jalal
Ankur Andan Varshney
Ann Webb
Anna Diaz Vicario
Anne Husebekk
Anthony Miller
Anthony Rudd
Antje Hebesreit
Anwar Hashem
Armin Steffen
Armin Zittermann
Arsalan Wahid
Ary Serpa Neto
Ashraf Abdelkafy
Ashraf Abdrabulnabi*
Asif Doja
Asindi A. Asindi
Asli Patir Munevveroglu
Ausama Saadi Abdul Muhsin
Auswaf Ahsan
Avradip Santa
Ayal Schaffer
Ayman El-Menyar
Ayten Yazici
Azim Majumder
Balaganesh Karmegaraj
Bannakji Lojanapiwat
Barbara Jasiewicz
Barbara Pinto
Basema Dibas
Basil Obeidat
Basmah Alwahhabi
Bassuni Wafaa
Belgin Atac
Ben Hull
Benley George
Bernhard Frey
Bernard Park
Bernardo Brasileiro
Bidya Shrestha
Billie Bonevski
Binay Kumar Biswas
Binod Yadav
Binti Ismail Suriani
Birgitta Bergendal
Biserka Tirmenstajn-Jankovic
Blanca Silvia Gonzalez-Lopez
Brian Morris
Burcu Kasap
Bussara Sangsawang
C. Poulos
Cagri Delilbasi
Carles Llor
Carlo Bellini
Carlos Canas
Carne Saurina-Canals
Carolina Nastri
Carolyn Owen
Cecile Marczinski
Cemil Kayali
Chandrasekharan Rajasekharan
Charles Ugwoke Eze
Cheng-Shyong Chang
Cheryl Zawaduk
Chin Kook Rhee
Chio Ugochukwu
Chiu-Yueh Hsiao
Chris Fisher
Chris Muhlhausen
Christian Keijzer
Christian Koch
Christian Lood
Christian Meyhoff
Christian Morsczeck
Christine Marosi
Christopher Lysakowski
Christopher Roberts
Christopher Sayed
Christopher Taylor
Christy Costanian
Chunhui Jiang
Chun-Jung Huang
Clara Carpeggiani
Claudia Kusmic
Claudio Andreetti
CM Long
Colum Dunne
Costantini Fabrizio
Cristina Cadenas-Sanchez
Cristina Ros Cerro
Cynthia Samary
Cyrus Motamed
D. Foti
D. Shivprasadd
D. S Prasad
Damir Fabijanic
Daniel Amoako-Sakyi
Daniel Dalla Torre
Daniel Fouladi
Daniel Furst
Danuta Kosik-Bogacka
Daphne Bakalidou
Daphne Janssen
Darla Castelli
David Dunner
David Iannitti
David Pinero
David Schneider
David Sinclair
Davide Pacini
Deborah Capaldi
Deborah Schwengel
Demetrios Moris
Deep Dutta
Deepak Nagpal
Deshire Alpizar Rodriguez
Desmond Tobin
Diane Harland
Dibuseng Ramaema
Dimitrios Anyfantakis
Dimitrios Kamberoglou
Dimitrios Konstantonis
Dimo Igoumenakis
Dinesh Dhar
Divesh Sardana
Domenico Dalessandri
Donatella Milani
Donato Lacedonia
Donna Ohnmeiss
Dusica Pahor
Edna Kapenhas-Valdes
Edson Z. Martinez
Eduardo Arenas
Ekarat Phattarataratip
Ekta Malik Debnath
Elektra Szymanska-Garbacz
Elham Abu Alhaija
Eliana Minicucci
Eline Tommelein
Elisabeth Hodson
Elliot Hersh
Elske de Jong
Eman Alhamoud
Eman Fawzy Halawa
Eman M. Alissa
Emine Yildiz
Emmanuel Hatzipantelis
Ennio del Giudice
Erdal Karagulle
Eric Sampane-Donkor
Erich Cosmi
Erik Renkema
Esther Sathiaraj
Esther Tamayo
Eva Steliarova-Foucher
Eva van Eijk
Evandro Carneiro
Everardo Saad
Ezekiel Ogunleye
Fabio Roccio
Faezeh Ghaderi
Fahad Alosaimi
Faisal Zawawi
Fakeha Rehman
Farhad Etezadi
Farid Bourzgui
Faris Alenzi
Fatemeh Davari
Fatemeh Homaei-Shandiz
Fatholah Behnoud
Fatih Celikel Tatvan
Fatma Mohammad Ali Lebda
Fauzia Imtiaz
Fawzy Khalil Sharaf
Fayek A. Al Hilli
Fazilet Oner Dincbas
Federica D’Aurizio
Federico Lombardi
Feike Loots
Feisal Subhan
Fernando Saravi
Firoozeh Mostafi
Folasade Ogunlesi
Francesca Barletta
Francisco Borrego
Francois Gorostidi
Freda Richa
Frederick Kozak
Frederick Singer
G. Horta-Baas
G. Sharma
Gabriel Haas
Gabriel Coll de Tuero
Gabriele Messina
Gabriele Pedruzzi
Gangping Wang
Gary Mintz
Geoffrey Barnes
George Araj
George Chrousos
George Kirov
Georgios Dimitropoulos
Georgios Georgiou
Georgios Panos
Gerardo Rivera-Silva
Gerd Mikus
Gholamhossein Yaghoobi
Giaccari Andrea
Gianpaolo Papaccio
Giorgio Castellana
Giuseppe Benagiano
Glenis Scadding
Grzegorz Gajos
Gokula Kumar Applanaido
Guadalupe Gonzales-Ochoa
Gunmala Bhatnagar
Guy Rostoker
H. Tseng
Hakan Ak
Hakan Yaman
Hal Broxmeyer
Hamid Reza Kianifar
Han Peng
Hanaifah Mohd Khayriyyah
Harold Erickson
Hassan A. Al-Trabolsi
Haytham Zakai
Hazem Mohammad Alkhaldi
Hemanshu Prabhabar
Henning Morris Bay Nielsen
Hidenobu Soejima
Hidenori Suzuki
Himani Bhardwaj Pandya
Himanshu Garg
Hiram de Almeida
Hong Sang Moon
Hoo Fan Kee
Horu Gazi
Hossain Mohammad Shahed Sazzad
Hossam Khamis
Hossein Sanaei-Zadeh
Hubert Seggewiss
Huda Omer Basaleem*
Hugo Juarez-Olguin
Hussain Al Saeed
Hussain Al-Turaifi
Hye In Woo
Iain Feeley
Iain MacPhee
Ian Clifton
Ian Olver
Ian Wallace
Ibrahim El-Hakim
Ibrahim Inuwa
Ichiro Hashimoto
Iftikhar Alam
Ihsan Yuce
Ilan Timor-Tritsch
Ioannis Voutsadakis
Iraklis Avramopoulos*
Islam Massad
Issam En-Nafaa
Issam Saliba
Itrat Medhi
Iulian Nusem
Ivan Hulin
Iyad Sultan
J. Blasco
Jacob Strahilevitz
Jack Farr
Jacques Daele
Jacques Jougon
Jadhav Surekha Dilip
Jagadishkumar Charanraj
Jairo Lizarazo
Jamil M. Elrefai
Jane Skov
Janitzia Vazquez-Mellado
Japheths Ogendi
Jasneet Bhullar
Jasser Maaita
Javeed Bhat
Jayashankar Kaushik
Jean-Luc Pouly
Jeewon Rajesh
Jeffrey Brent
Jeremy Chapman
Jesus Romalde
Jilin Zhao
Jingang An
Jim Kiatos
Jintana Sirivarasai
J. Jacques Genest
Joachim Thuroff
Job Harenberg
Job van Boven
Johannes Haeberle
John Chang
John Feehally
John Friesen
Jonatas de Oliveira
Joo-Hyun Nam
Jordan Pinsker
Jorge Vega
Jose Hernandez
Jose Remes-Troche
Jose Noel Ibrahim
Josef Veselka
Joseph Berger
Joseph Glorioso
Joseph Massad
Joveria Farooqi
Joyce Cramer
Jun Aoyagi
Jun Wada
Junpei Iizuka
K. Lasithiotakis
K. Lee
Kai Kang
Kalindi deSousa
Kaman Khalid Khawaja
Kamel Ajlouni
Karen Freijer
Karen Hammad
Karen Shean
Karina Iglesia Molina
Karim Chahed
Kasturi Warnakulasuriya
Katarzyna Garbacz
Katharina Storck
Kathleen Lyons
Katia Thomsen
Kayser Yammine
Kazunaga Agematsu
Keitaro Matsuo
Kenneth Iczkowski
Kerby Oberg
Khairulnissa Ajani
Khaled El Radaideh*
Khaled Maman
Khalil E. Rajab
Kishor Sapkota
Kon Spanos
Konstantinos Katsanoulas
Konstantinos Triantafyllou
Kresimir Kordic
Kwang Beng Ng
Ladda Mo-Suwan
Laura Krause
Laurence Nolan
Leondios Kostrikis
Leslie Chen
Li Ping
Lilia Nogueira
Lina Radzeviciene
Lindsay Nicolle
Lisa Rider
Lise Hestbaek
Lissa Spencer
Lothar Faber
Lotte Hoegberg
Louis M. Lin
Lourival Possani
Luba Nakhutina
Lucas Weissing
Luciana Ramos Fernandes
Ludmila Marcinowicz
Luigi Bisceglia
Luigi Nespoli
Lynee V. McFarland
M. Gaudino
M. McMurthy
M. Razavi
Ma Jianhua
Mackenzi Pergolotti
Magboul Magboul
Maha Al-Dabbagh
Mahmood Showail
Mahmood Dhahir Al-Mendalawi
Maite Elizabeth Rivera
Malgorzata Gorksa-Ciebiada
Mamdoh Eskandar
Manik Sharma
Manuel Salgado
Marco Sartori
Marco Tatullo
Maria Ioannou
Maria Loizidou
Maria Zankl
Maria Luz Couce
Maria Therese Ahlen
Marian Ros
Marianne Johnstone
Mario Amore
Mario Bonomini
Marit Helen Ebbesen
Mark Richman
Mark Walker
Markus Juonala
Markus Klimek
Marlene Durand
Marta Aires de Sousa
Martin Johr
Martin Krbec
Martyn Parker
Mary Norval
Maryam Etesami
Marzena Gajecka
Masakazu Washio
Massimiliano Sorbello
Matt Goldenberg
Matthew Sabo
Mattia Fortina
Maureen McAndrew
Maurizio Falcioni
May Al-Daabil
Mayyada Wazaify
Mazen Albaghdadi
Mazin Jawass
Mehmet Bilgen
Meiyan Jiang*
Meltem Alkan Melikoglu
Menelaos Karanikolas
Meral Uyar
Michel Billiard
Michele Abate
Michelle McQuistan
Michiel de Raaf
Mike Borghese
Mile Bosilskovski
Mira Farouk
Moataz Rizq
Modupeola OA Samaila
Mohamed Saleh Aldubaibi
Mohamed Abu-Samra
Mohamed Alsammani
Mohamed Hafez
Mohamed Jaber
Mohamed Rady
Mohamed Tariq*
Mohamed E. Hamid
Mohammad Alkilzy
Mohammad Jafaro Golalipour
Mohammad Tariq
Mohammed Al-Amry
Mohammed Imtiaz
Mohammed Shawaqfeh
Mohammed Khalid Alabdulaali
Mona Almushait
Mona Calvo
Muhammad Shakeel
Muhammad A. Majeed-Saidan
Muhammad Abdulazeem Shaikh
Muhammad Barkat Hussain
Muhammad R. Khammash
Mukhallad Mohammad Al Janabi
Mustafa Cakar
Mustafa AM Salih
Mutlu Ozcan
Muzaffer Sindel
Myrna Medlej-Hashim
Myung Ho Jeong
Nader Honjol
Nadine Hiari
Nadir Kheir
Nahla Khawaja
Najla Alamoudi
Najla Dar-Odeh
Nan Deng
Naseem A. Qureshi
Nashalie de Alencar
Natale Brunetti
Nathan Hambly
Naveen Prisha Chhabra
Nazar Shabila
Nicola Carano
Nicolle Powell-Dunford
Nihat Kilic
Nilam Brahmbhatt
Nilufer Guzoglu
Nisa Cem Oren
Nitish Baisakhiya
Noah Brown
Olga Dzupova
Olgun Goktas
Omar Muaed
Omar Bashir Abdelbasit
Oren Lapid
Orhan Aktepe
Orsolya Dobay
P. Salamati
P. Sawaddiruk
Panagiotis Korovessis
Paola Koncada
Paolo Emilio Puddu
Parappa Sajjan
Patrick Bradley
Patrizio Petrone
Paul Abbott
Paul Jose
Paula Bolton-Maggs
Pavankumar Vibhute
Pawel Chwaluk
Pete Pedersen
Petros Mirilas
Pheng Ann Heng
Pierluigi Marzuillo
Pinar Kiratli
Pinar Okyay
Ping-Ting Lin
Pooja Jagmohan
Prashant Goyal
Prashant Sharma
Prerana Shah
Puchner Wolfgang
PV Chernyshov
Qays Almodares
R. Girometti
R. Griffo
Rachel Robison
Radhika Muppa
Radhika Srinivasan
Radwan Almousa
Rafael Consunji
Rafael Figueiredo
Rafal Bialynicki-Birula
Raffaello Pompei
Rakesh Gupta
Ram Kumar Dikshit
Ramakrishna Pinjala
Ramezan Ali Ataee
Ramin Ravangard
Ramin Sadeghi
Ramon Eduardo Fernandez
Randah R. Hamadeh
Ranjiv Mathews
Raymond Ten Eyck
Reda Girgis
Regina Mericske-Stern
Reino Poyhia
Revai Tamas
Rezan Abdul-Kadir
Ricardo Gamboa
Richard Alweis
Richard Argent
Richard Cooper
Richard Hynes
Riffat Najeeb
Robert Dallmann
Robert Schroth
Robert Sneyd
Robert Taylor
Robert White
Roberto Crespi
Robinson Esteves Santos Pires
Rodrigo Dias Nunes
Rodrigo Pegado de Abreu Freitas
Roger Bouillon
Roman Mayr
Rosa Peraita-Adrados
Rosie Belcher
Ruth Mabry
S. Bouraj
S. Lew
Saad Alghanim
Saadia Ashraf
Sabina Antonela Antoniu
Sachith Mettananda
Saeeda Baig
Saeideh Ghaffarifar
Sahar Isa AlThawadi
Sakir Ozgur Keskek
Salah Al-Awaidy
Salah A. Moghraby
Salilah Saidun
Salim Gallouj
Salim A. Hamadi
Salwan Bede
Sam Hassan
Samah Mohamed Ahmed Elattar
Sami Akbulut
Sami A. Al-Kindy
Samia Temtamy
Samile Noorbakhsh
Samir Al Adawi
Samir Dalia
Sana Al-Mutairi
Sandeep Grover
Sandhya Yaddanapudi
Sandro Contini*
Sanghoon Lee
Sanya Sukpanichnant
Sarar Mohamed
Sayed Saleem Haider
Scott Farrell
Ser Yee Lee
Sergio Casciaro
Selcuk Yuksel
Serhat Unal
Seth Toback
Shadi Hijjawi
Shahin Aghaei
Shahriari Ali
Shahul Ebrahim
Shaji Kumar
Shannon Bates
Sharandeep Kaur
Shashikiran Umakanth
Shaun Ramlogan
Shereif Rezkalla
Shilpa Kalra
Shireen Qureshi
Shiv Prasad
Shun-Te Huang
Siamak Akbarzadeh
Silvio garattini
Silvio Maringhini
Sira Owibingire
Slawomir Wozniak
Slim Charfi
Smaranda Diaconescu
Soban Qadir Khan
Solomon B. Adebayo
Somchit Jaruratanasirikul
Somen Misra
Somlyai Gabor
Soner Gursoy
Stanislaw Pilacinski
Stanley Malamed
Stefan Evers
Stefan Schulz-Drost
Stig Brorson
Subhojit Dey
Sudipta Das
Sue Roff
Suhail Ahmad
Sujita Shrestha
Sule Unal
Sumaira Qadri
Sumathi Felicita
Sundar Shrestha
Sundeep Salvi
Sung Oh Hwang
Sunil Badve
Sunil Bhandari
Sunil Kumar
Suphi Taneri
Susan Roseff
Susana Pastor
Sushil Kumar
Suzanne Estaphan
Swan Sim Yeap
Syed Mulazim Hussain Bukhari
Syeda Sadia Fatima
Sze Ying Thong
Tadahiko Yotsumoto
Taghreed Farahat
Tahir Qayyum
Tiago Bilhim
Takahiko Horiuchi
Takumi Yamada
Talita Pollyanna Moreira dos Santos
Tamer Hifnawy
Tamer Orief
Tandi Matsha
Tanya Franzen
Tarek Ismael Al-Sayed Moustafa
Tareq Alrefae
Tarig Osman
Tatsuhiro Masaoka
Tawfik Khoja
Taymour Mostafa
Tengfei Wang
Terrence Piva
Thais Guimaraes
Thomas Chan
Thomas Schindler
Thorsten Braun
Tomasz Grodzki
Tommaso Rossi
Tomoko Yamagishi
Tomoya Hayashi
Tonni Gabriele
Trish Groves
Tshepo Rasekaba
Tuija Leppakoski
Tunau Karima
Turkan Gunay
Umapathi Choudary
Upender Wali
Vagner Castro
Valentina Gumenyuk
Valerie Clary Muronda
Valfrido Pereira-Filho
Vanja Radisic Biljak
Varunpratap Singh
Vera Lucia Petricevich
Vincent Dubuisson
Vicky Price
Victoria Stanhope
Vikram Kate
Vincenzo Ruocco
Vito Di Lernia
W. Ringgenberg
Wael ElSayed
Waleed Momani
Walter Limehouse
Waris Qidwai
Wei Phin Tan
Wendy Introne
Wen-Hung Wang
William Coleman
Wolfgang Landgraf
Wolfgang Puchner
Xi-Ping Zhang
Yahia Ahmed Raja’a
Yahya Shehabi
Yaseen Ali
Yasir Bahadur
Yasser Abulhasan
Y-C Arai
Yoshikazu Goto
Yu Zhang
Yue Zhong
Yuki Tsuruta
Yuriy Zverev
Yusuf Izci
Z. Farajzadegan
Z. Zietek
Zahid H. Khan
Zafer Mengeloglu
Ziad Audat
Ziad Awwad
↵* Reviewers who reviewed 3 or more articles for the year 2015
- Copyright: © Saudi Medical Journal
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