Article Figures & Data
Demographic characteristic 2019 2020 Chi square/Fisher statistics P-value n (%) n (%) Gender, n (%) Male 380 (44.4) 322 (44.8) 0.033 0.857 Female 476 (55.6) 396 (55.2) Eligibility, n (%) Military 787 (92.8) 636 (89.0) 7.701 0.008 Non-military 61 (7.2) 79 (11.0) Referred hospital, n (%) Same 705 (84.5) 534 (76.2) 35.266 0.000 Other military 67 (8.0) 46 (6.6) Other civilian 62 (7.4) 121 (17.3) Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD Range T-statistics P-value Age 56.9±18.5 3-98 57.4±16.8 2-100 0.523 0.601 Total of some categories do not add to the total sample size such as “1574” due to some “missing data” in these categories. SD: standard deviation
Cancer type 2019 2020 Total n % n % n % Breast 156 18.3 141 19.7 297 19.0 Colorectal 130 15.3 124 17.4 254 16.2 Thyroid 85 10.0 25 3.5 110 7.0 NHL 55 6.5 39 5.5 94 6.0 Corpus uteri 41 4.8 46 6.4 87 5.6 Prostate 49 5.8 25 3.5 74 4.7 Head and neck 27 3.2 39 5.5 66 4.2 Lungs 31 3.6 28 3.9 59 3.8 Gastric 22 2.6 29 4.1 51 3.3 Pancreas 24 2.8 26 3.6 50 3.2 Brain 21 2.5 26 3.6 47 3.0 Kidney 28 3.3 13 1.8 41 2.6 Ovary 21 2.5 15 2.1 36 2.3 Skin 21 2.5 14 2.0 35 2.2 Liver 16 1.9 14 2.0 30 1.9 Soft tissue 17 2.0 13 1.8 30 1.9 Bladder 12 1.4 16 2.2 28 1.8 Hodgkin lymphoma 12 1.4 6 0.8 18 1.1 Testicular 11 1.3 6 0.8 17 1.1 Leukemia 7 0.8 8 1.1 15 1.0 Esophagus 5 0.6 8 1.1 13 0.8 Bones 6 0.7 6 0.8 12 0.8 Multiple myeloma 5 0.6 4 0.6 9 0.6 Myeloproliferative neoplasm 2 0.2 6 0.8 8 0.5 Malignancy of unknown origin 5 0.6 3 0.4 8 0.5 Tongue 1 0.1 6 0.8 7 0.4 Others 42 4.9 28 3.9 70 4.5 Total 852 100 714 100 1566 100 Due to some missing information (data) of the diagnosis of the some malignant cases the totals do not add to the sample size.
- Table 3
- Comparison between the 2 samples (2019 and 2020) in time duration for acceptance and start of first oncology treatment.
Hospitals KPIs Year n Mean±SD Median z-scores P-value Overall combined Time duration for acceptance of new cancer patient in oncology 2019 736 7.3±27.8 5.0 -1.299 0.194 2020 635 8.0±25.4 4.0 Time duration to start first oncological treatment 2019 686 38.4±48.1 26.0 -0.464 0.643 2020 574 44.3±67.9 25.0 KFAFH Jeddah Time duration for acceptance of new cancer patient in oncology 2019 128 8.4±35.9 0.0 -2.363 0.018 2020 91 16.2±58.5 1.0 Time duration to start first oncological treatment 2019 154 22.6±40.2 11.0 -1.568 0.117 2020 93 37.6±73.8 14.0 KSAFH Tabuk Time duration for acceptance of new cancer patient in oncology 2019 91 9.0±38.9 3.0 -0.741 0.459 2020 126 5.2±7.2 3.0 Time duration to start first oncological treatment 2019 89 20.2±19.3 17.0 -0.780 0.435 2020 115 17.8±18.0 14.0 PSMMC Riyadh Time duration for acceptance of new cancer patient in oncology 2019 361 8.1±22.9 7.0 -1.345 0.179 2020 235 8.9±10.7 6.0 Time duration to start first oncological treatment 2019 343 44.1±51.0 30.0 -0.087 0.931 2020 229 39.3±59.5 32.0 AFHSR Khamis Mushait Time duration for acceptance of new cancer patient in oncology 2019 58 4.4±4.4 2.5 -0.244 0.807 2020 63 5.0±6.7 2.0 Time duration to start first oncological treatment 2019 23 11.4±22.0 1.0 -0.064 0.949 2020 32 11.9±19.6 0.0 AL HADA Taif Time duration for acceptance of new cancer patient in oncology 2019 98 2.2±10.9 0.0 -2.998 0.003 2020 120 1.6±2.5 0.0 Time duration to start first oncological treatment 2019 77 57.7±65.1 35.0 -1.166 0.243 2020 105 73.2±82.6 42.0 KFAFH: King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital, KSAFH: King Salman Armed Forces Hospital, PSMMC: Prince Sultan Military Medical City, AL HADA: Al Hada Armed Forces Hospital, AFHSR: Armed Forces Hospital Southern Region, SD: standard deviation, KPI: key performance indicator
- Table 4
- Comparison between the 2 samples (2019 and 2020) in terms of referral activities among different hospitals.
Hospitals Year Referral status Eligibility status Same hospital Other military Other civilian P-value Military Non military P-value KFAFH Jeddah 2019 191 3 6 0.23 192 2 0.86 2020 108 3 8 119 1 KSAFH Tabuk 2019 89 2 6 0.00 101 9 0.00 2020 91 6 35 113 30 PSMMC Riyadh 2019 286 55 15 0.01 345 20 0.15 2020 183 26 24 228 7 AFHSR Khamis Mushait 2019 75 1 6 0.45 77 3 0.89 2020 92 0 5 93 4 AL HADA Taif 2019 64 6 29 0.09 72 27 0.56 2020 60 11 49 83 37 Total of the variables are not equal to the total sample size due to some “missing data” in these variables. KFAFH: King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital, KSAFH: King Salman Armed Forces Hospital, PSMMC: Prince Sultan Military Medical City, AL HADA: Al Hada Armed Forces Hospital, AFHSR: Armed Forces Hospital Southern Region
Characteristics n % Number of cases by hospital KFAFH Jeddah 11 14.5 KSAFH Tabuk 12 15.8 PSMMC Riyadh 38 50.0 AFHSR Khamis Mushait 2 2.6 AL HADA Taif 13 17.1 Gender Male 28 36.8 Female 48 63.2 Symptomatic Yes 55 71.6 No 21 28.4 *Common symptoms Fever 31 58.5 Cough 26 49.1 Shortness of breath 14 26.4 Diarrhea 5 9.4 Outcome of Covid-19 Active 1 1.3 Recovered 55 72.4 Hospitalized (in ICU on ventilator) 3 3.9 Expired due to Covid-19 17 22.4 Cancer outcome Stable 23 30.3 Response to treatment 21 27.6 Progression 7 9.2 Treatment discontinued 1 1.3 Overall expired cases 23 30.3 ↵* Common symptoms are not mutually exclusive. Total of the some variables are not equal to the total sample size due to some “missing data” in these variables. KFAFH: King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital, KSAFH: King Salman Armed Forces Hospital, PSMMC: Prince Sultan Military Medical City, AL HADA: Al Hada Armed Forces Hospital, AFHSR: Armed Forces Hospital Southern Region, ICU: intensive care unit