Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Descriptive statistics for respondents’ work type and glycemic control according to sociodemographic, diabetes related questions, self-management activities, sleep and diet.
Characteristics Shift work (n=221) Daytime work (n=149) Total Test of sig. P-value HbA1c % Test of sig. P-value Controlled Uncontrolled n (%) n (%) Age, mean±SD 42.1±7.3 42.4±7.7 t-test= 0.406 0.685 42.7±7.2 41.7±7.6 t-test= 1.3 0.190 Gender Male 114 (51.6) 83 (55.7) 197 (53.2) x2= 0.607 0.436 100 (50.8) 97 (49.2) x2=0.125 0.724 Female 107 (48.4) 66 (44.3) 173 (46.8) 91 (52.6) 82 (47.4) Occupation Doctor 19 (8.6) 11 (7.4) 30 (8.1) x2= 47.58 0.001 17 (56.7) 13 (43.3) x2= 4.99 0.172 Nurse 124 (56.1) 44 (29.5) 168 (45.4) 78 (46.4) 90 (53.6) Technician 41 (18.6) 20 (13.4) 61 (16.4) 30 (49.2) 31 (50.8) Other 37 (16.7) 74 (49.7) 111 (30) 66 (59.5) 45 (40.5) Marital status Single 53 (24) 25 (16.9) 78 (21.1) x2= 2.779 0.249 32 (41) 46 (59) x2= 5.149 0.076 Married 140 (63.3) 103 (69.1) 243 (65.7) 135 (55.6) 108 (44.4) Other 28 (12.7) 21 (14.1) 49 (13.2) 42 (49) 25 (51) BMI category 18-24.99 17 (7.7) 16 (10.7) 33 (8.9) x2= 8.29 0.016 27 (81.8) 6 (18.2) x2= 27.9 0.001 25-29.99 111 (50.2) 92 (60.7) 203 (54.8) 116 (57.1) 87 (42.9) >30 93 (42.1) 41 (27.5) 134 (36.2) 48 (35.8) 86 (64.2) Smoking Yes 63 (28.7) 52 (34.9) 115 (31.1) x2= 1.97 0.162 57 (50) 57 (50) x2= 0.173 0.677 No 158 (71.3) 97 (65.1) 255 (68.9) 134 (52.3) 122 (47.7) Physical activity per week >150 min 42 (19) 55(36.9) 97 (26.2) x2= 16.27 0.001 69 (71.1) 28 (28.9) x2= 24.7 0.001 <150 min 98 (44.3) 59 (39.6) 157 (42.4) 79 (50.3) 78 (49.7) None 81 (36.7) 35 (23.5) 116 (31.3) 43 (37.1) 73 (62.9) Missing regular routine visits in diabetes clinic Yes 62 (28.1) 19 (12.8) 81 (21.8) x2= 16.6 0.001 32 (39.5) 49 (60.5) x2= 12.55 0.002 No 52 (23.5) 58 (38.9) 110 (29.7) 71 (64.5) 39 (35.5) Sometimes 107 (48.4) 72 (48.3) 179 (48.3) 88 (49.2) 91 (50.8) Night sleeping hours <7 hours 166 (75.1) 94 (63.1) 260 (70.2) x2= 25.22 0.001 125 (48.1) 135 (51.9) x2= 6.05 0.049 7-9 hours 30 (13.6) 50 (33.6) 80 (21.6) 51 (63.8) 29 (36.2) >9 hours 25 (11.3) 5 (3.4) 30 (8.1) 15 (50) 15 (50) Sleep quality Good 111 (50.2) 104 (69.8) 215 (58.1) x2= 14.25 0.001 136 (63.3) 79 (36.7) x2= 27.8 0.001 Bad 110 (49.8) 45 (30.2) 155 (41.8) 55 (35.5) 100 (64.5) Diet Healthy 50 (22.6) 78 (52.3) 128 (34.5) x2= 37.15 0.001 108 (84.4) 20 (15.6) x2= 112.5 0.001 Less healthy 114 (51.6) 55 (36.9) 169 (45.6) 77 (45.6) 92 (54.5) Unhealthy 57 (25.8) 16 (10.7) 73 (19.7) 6 (8.2) 67 (91.6) sig: significant, HbA1c: hemoglobin A1C, SD: standard deviation, BMI: body mass index, min: minutes
Variables B S.E. Wald Df Sig. Adj OR 95% CI for adj OR Lower Upper Working in shifts 3.131 0.571 30.032 1 >0.001 22.888 7.471 70.126 Psychiatry (ref) 49.967 2 >0.001 DMC 3.776 0.635 35.327 1 >0.001 43.645 12.565 151.606 MCH 2.692 0.430 39.154 1 >0.001 14.760 6.352 34.300 Healthy diet (ref) 48.079 2 >0.001 Less healthy diet 1.849 0.354 27.251 1 >0.001 6.353 3.173 12.719 Unhealthy diet 3.783 0.578 42.828 1 >0.001 43.953 14.156 136.475 BMI 0.122 0.051 5.774 1 0.016 1.130 1.023 1.248 Constant -8.324 1.827 20.760 1 >0.001 0.000 B: coefficient, S.E: standard error, Wald: Wald test, Df: degrees of freedom, Ref: reference, Sig: significant, Adj: adjust, OR: odd ratio, CI: confidence interval, DMC: Dammam Medical Complex, MCH: Maternity and Children Hospital, BMI: body mass index