Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Characteristics of the hepatic vein thrombosis (HVT) Saudi patients included in this study.
Characteristic HVT cases (n=65) Controls (n=50) P-value* Age (years) (mean±SD) 47.2±3.1 43.5±2.6 0.0001* Gender (%) Male 46 (70.7) 32 (64.0) 0.5463† Female 19 (29.3) 18 (36.0) Family history of HVT (%) Yes 13 (20.0) No 52 (80.0) ↵* t-test compares the means of 2 groups,
† Chi-square to comparing small groups frequency
Variants Substitution Transcript ID db SNP (b153 v2) Variation type 1000 genomes allele frequency Position rs138979590 G>C
G>TNG_011779.2 Novel SNV, intron not present chr1:92833927 rs558220259 A>G NG_011779.2 Novel SNV, intron not present chr1:92833948 rs576892621 A>G NG_011779.2 Novel SNV, intron not present chr1:92833969 rs182018447 G>A NG_011779.2 Novel SNV, intron not present chr1:92834024 rs559377519 A>T NG_011779.2 Novel SNV, intron not present chr1:92834047 Ch1: chromosome 1, SNV: single nucleotide variant, SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism.
- Table 3
- Allele frequency of the RPL5 genetic polymorphisms in hepatic vein thrombosis (HVT) patients compared with the control subjects.
db SNP b153 v 2 Alleles Patients Control P-value* Unadjusted OR [95% CI] rs138979590 G 224 (87.3) 198 (87.6) Reference C 26 (9.1) 16 (7.1) 0.350 1.44 [0.75-2.76] T 36(12.6) 12(5.3) 0.006* 2.65 [1.34-5.24] rs558220259 A 221 (77.3) 183 (80.9) 0.362 Reference G 65 (22.7) 43 (19.1) 1.25 [0.81-1.93] rs576892621 A 233 (81.5) 189 (83.6) 0.603 Reference G 53 (18.5) 37 (16.3) 1.16 [0.73-1.84] rs182018447 G 229 (80.1) 201 (88.9) 0.009* Reference A 57 (19.9) 25 (11.1) 2.00 [1.23-3.32] rs559377519 A 238 (83.2) 202 (89.4) 0.032* Reference T 48 (16.8) 24 (10.6) 1.73 [1.02-2.92] db SNP b153 v2 Genotype Patients Control P-value* Unadjusted OR [95% CI] n (%) rs138979590 G/C 250 (24.5) 214 (25.2) Reference G/T 260 (25.5) 210 (24.8) 0.708 1.06 [0.81-1.37] G/C+G/T 510 (50.0) 424 (50.5) 0.842 1.03 [0.82-1.29] rs558220259 A/A 442 (61.7) 366 (64.8) Reference A/G 144 (20.1) 113 (20.0) 0.764 1.06 [0.79-1.39] G/G 130 (18.2) 86 (15.2) 0.173 1.25 [0.92-1.7] rs576892621 A/A 466 (65.2) 378 (67.0) Reference A/G 143 (20.0) 112 (19.9) 0.862 1.04 [0.78-1.37] G/G 106 (14.8) 74 (13.1) 0.413 1.16 [0.84-1.61] rs182018447 G/G 458 (64.1) 402 (71.2) Reference G/A 142 (19.9) 113 (20.0) 0.543 1.10 [0.83-1.46] A/A 114 (16.0) 50 (8.8) 0.000* 2.00 [1.39-2.86] rs559377519 A/A 486 (63.7) 404 (71.5) Reference A/T 148 (19.4) 113 (20.0) 0.549 1.08 [0.82-1.43] T/T 98 (12.9) 48 (8.5) 0.004* 1.69 [1.17-2.45] * P-values were calculated by chi-square analyses; differences were statistically significant at p<0.05. OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, HVT: hepatic vein thrombosis. Single-variant association analyses was performed.