Review Article
Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells and wound healing. Potential clinical applications in wound repair
Almalki discusses and review the therapeutic potential of AMSCs for wound repair via acceleration of wound closure, re-epithelialization, enhancement of angiogenesis and immunomodulation of prolonged inflammatory responses, as well as the current challenges in clinical implementation. He concluded that AMSC-based therapy for non-healing or chronic cutaneous wounds in animal models has been shown to accelerate wound healing through different mechanisms. Therefore, the use of autologous AMSCs to promote cutaneous wound healing in patients appears to be a promising therapeutic strategy.
see page 1075
Mesenchymal stem cells immunomodulatory roles in wound closure.
Original Articles
Evaluation of diaphragm thickness to predict intubation requirement and mortality in critical COVID-19 patients
Dal et al investigate the value of measuring the DT on thorax CT at ICU admission for predicting intubation requirement and mortality among COVID-19 patients. The patients’ demographic characteristics, laboratory parameters, DT measurements, MV requirements, and mortality statuses are retrospectively screened. The relationships between DT on initial CT, MV requirement, and mortality are investigated. They concluded that mortality and MV requirements can be predicted from DT measurements. Diaphragm thickness can facilitate the identification of high-risk patients on CT evaluation at ICU admission.
see page 1120
Points of diaphragm thickness measurements.
Self-esteem mediates the relationship perceived stigma with self-efficacy for diabetes management in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Ozturk et al determine the mediating effect of self-esteem in the relationship between the perceived stigmatization of individuals with T2DM and their self-efficacy regarding diabetes management. A descriptive information form, diabetes management self-efficacy scale, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, and type-2 diabetes stigma assessment scale are used in data collection. They concluded that minimizing the perceived stigmatization can improve patients’ diabetes management self-efficacy. With patient training programs and individualized nursing care plans prepared by psychiatric nurses to provide psychological support patients and through their interventions that increase self-esteem, self-stigmatization can be reduced.
see page 1157
Case Report
Post COVID-19 pulmonary mass. Case report and review of literatures
Hussen present an unusual and a rare pulmonary affection by COVID-19, in which only one lung is affected. Coronavirus disease-19 attacks the lungs and interferes seriously with their functions. The attack is usually bilaterally, while a uni lateral pulmonary affection is unusual. The presentation, both clinical and radiological findings, bronchoscopy appearance, the strange operative findings of the resected mass, the uneventful post-operative course, in addition to the histopathological report, is presented. He concluded that unilateral lung affection is unusual and post-viral pneumonia COVID-19 should be considered as a possible aftermath, which may not be uncommon in Iraq.
see page 1165
An operative view of the mass.
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