Article Figures & Data
Variables Total Age, years (mean±SD) 57.8±19.4 Weight, kg (mean±SD) 68.3±20.5 Gender Female 18 (82) Male 4 (18) Previous major bleeding Yes 7 (32) No 15 (68) Indication for anticoagulant Stroke prevention atrial fibrillation 10 (46) Venous thromboembolism 10 (46) Stroke 1 (4) Valve replacement 1 (4) Most common bleeding site GI 10 (45) Musculoskeletal 4 (18) ICH 3 (14) Genitourinary 3 (14) Abdominal 2 (9) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). GI: gastrointestinal, SD: standard deviation, ICH: intracranial hemorrhage - Table 2
- Comparison between the lab results before and 24 hours after treatment with PCC.
Variables Before After P-value All patients on oral anticoagulants before and after 24 hours after treatment with PCC (n=22) International normalized ratio 7.9±5.3 2.1±1.6 <0.001 Activated partial thromboplastin time 89.1±46.6 59.7±49.0 0.03 Hemoglobin 8.5±3.4 10.7±2.7 0.004 Patients on warfarin before and after 24 hours after treatment with PCC (n=16) International normalized ratio 7.38±5.3 1.6±0.6 0.001 Values are presented as mean+SD. PCC: prothrombin complex concentrate - Table 3
- Relationship between anticoagulant type and the effectiveness of prothrombin complex concentrate and the dose.
Types of anticoagulants Effective n (%) (M±SD) Ineffective n (%) (M±SD) Total (n,%) P-value VKA PCC dose 14 (88)
2196±573.32 (12)
1000±707.116 (100) 0.02 Dabigatran PCC dose 1 (50)
20001 (50)
25002 (100) Rivaroxaban PCC dose 4 (100)
2156±986.20 4 (100) PCC: prothrombin complex concentrate