Article Figures & Data
Variables n (%) Age (year), mean±SD 21.29±2.37 Gender Male 98 (20.6) Female 378 (79.4) Nationality Saudi 451 (94.7) Non-Saudi 25 (5.3) Monthly income <5000 SR 42 (8.8) 5000-10000 SR 102 (21.4) >10000 SR 237 (49.8) I do not know 95 (20.0) Work Not working but searching for work 38 (8.0) Not working and not searching for work 8 (1.7) Housewife 10 (2.1) Students 336 (70.6) Employee 81 (17.0) In military 3 (0.6) Marital status Single 413 (86.8) Married 60 (12.6) Divorced 3 (0.6) Parent’s marital status Married 404 (84.9) Divorced 26 (5.5) One of them has died 35 (7.4) Both have died 11 (2.3) Living with: Parents 439 (92.2) Alone 32 (6.7) With a friend 5 (1.1) Current use of e-cigarettes Yes, only e-cigarette 38 (8.0) Yes, in addition to regular cigarette 12 (2.5) No, but use them once 46 (9.7) No, and never used them 380 (79.8) Use of e-cigarette* No 380 (79.8) Yes 96 (20.2) Do any of your friends or family members use e-cigarettes? No 199 (41.8) Yes 245 (51.5) I do not know 32 (6.7) Are there any smokers in your accommodation? No 234 (49.2) Yes 209 (43.9) Not sure 33 (6.9) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).
E-cigarette: electronic cigarette, SD: standard deviation, SR: Saudi Riyals
↵* People who have used electronic cigarettes at any time in their lives.
- Table 2
- Perceptions, practices, and attitudes of participants toward electronic cigarettes.
Variables n (%) Perception of participants regarding e-cigarettes Do you believe that using e-cigarettes instead of nicotine gum or patches is a safer approach to stop smoking? No 338 (71.0) Yes 51 (10.7) Not sure 87 (18.3) Do you think that using e-cigarettes is safer than regular cigarettes (traditional tobacco cigarettes)? No 330 (69.3) Yes 90 (18.9) Not sure 56 (11.8) Do you think that the preservatives or flavors used in e-cigarettes are harmless? No 388 (81.5) Yes 40 (8.4) Not sure 48 (10.1) Do you think that exposing children to e-cigarette smoke is safe? No 438 (92.0) Yes 14 (2.9) Not sure 24 (5.0) Does using e-cigarettes indoors cause harm to nonsmokers in the same space (passive smoking) if exposed to the air emitted by e-cigarettes? No 58 (12.2) Yes 359 (75.4) Not sure 59 (12.4) Are you aware of a legal minimum age for using e-cigarettes? No minimum age to use e-cigarettes 43 (9.0) At least 18 years 148 (31.1) At least 21 years 80 (16.8) Prohibited for all ages 115 (24.2) Unsure 90 (18.9) Practice and attitude of participants toward e-cigarettes How frequently do you use e-cigarettes? Do not use them 401 (84.2) Once daily 5 (1.1) More than once daily 39 (8.2) 1-2 times weekly 11 (2.3) 1-2 times monthly 20 (4.2) Where do you buy electronic cigarettes? Do not use them 395 (83.0) Shops selling electronic cigarettes 42 (8.8) Grocery store 8 (1.7) Tobacco and shisha shops 23 (4.8) Friends 8 (1.7) Do you trust the nicotine concentration value written on the product label? Do not use e-cigarettes 364 (76.5) No, I do not trust them 49 (10.3) Yes, I trust them 40 (8.4) I use nicotine-free e-cigarettes 4 (0.8) Unsure 19 (4.0) Where do you use electronic cigarettes? Do not use e-cigarettes 393 (82.6) In indoor spaces 10 (2.1) In outdoor spaces 17 (3.6) Both in- and outdoor spaces 56 (11.8) Are you ready to quit using e-cigarettes? Do not use e-cigarettes 397 (83.4) No 14 (2.9) Yes, at the earliest time 29 (6.1) Yes, in future 30 (6.3) Not sure 6 (1.3) What do you think regarding using electronic cigarettes? Not harmful 16 (3.4) Less harmful than normal cigarettes 64 (13.4) Same harm as normal cigarettes 169 (35.5) More harmful than normal cigarettes 180 (37.8) Not sure 47 (9.9) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). E-cigarette: electronic cigarette
Variables Use of e-cigarette Chi-t test Fisher’s exact Regression model No Yes RR 95% CI P-values Gender Male 52 (53.1) 46 (46.9) <0.001* <0.001* 5.80 3.53-9.53 <0.001* Female 328 (86.8) 50 (13.2) Ref. Nationality Saudi 367 (81.4) 84 (18.6) <0.001* 0.001* 0.386 0.14-1.03 0.060 Non-Saudi 13 (52.0) 12 (48.0) Ref. Monthly income I do not know 79 (83.2) 16 (16.8) 0.805 0.811 Ref. <5000 SR 33 (78.6) 9 (21.4) 0.94 0.31-2.89 0.926 5000-10000 SR 82 (80.4) 20 (19.6) 0.69 0.28-1.70 0.425 >10000 SR 186 (78.5) 51 (21.5) 1.18 0.57-2.44 0.654 Marital status Single 325 (78.7) 88 (21.3) 0.187 0.130 Ref. Married 53 (88.3) 7 (11.7) 0.487 0.21-1.11 0.087 Divorced 2 (66.7) 1 (33.3) 1.846 0.16-20.6 0.618 Marital status of parents Married 322 (79.7) 82 (20.3) 0.333 0.390 Ref. Divorced 18 (69.2) 8 (30.8) 1.745 0.733-4.155 0.208 One of them has died 30 (85.7) 5 (14.3) 0.654 0.24-1.74 0.395 Both have died 10 (90.9) 1 (9.1) 0.393 0.04-3.11 0.376 Living with: Parents 358 (81.5) 81 (18.5) <0.001* <0.001* Ref. `Alone 21 (65.6) 11 (34.4) 2.315 1.07-4.99 0.032* With a friend 1 (20.0) 4 (80.0) 17.67 1.94-160.28 0.010* Do any of your friends or family members use e-cigarettes? No 186 (93.5) 13 (6.5) <0.001* <0.001* Ref. Yes 164 (66.9) 81 (33.1) 7.066 3.79-13.16 0.000* Not know 30 (93.8) 2 (6.3) 0.954 0.204-4.43 0.952 Are there any smokers in your accommodation? No 199 (85.0) 35 (15.0) 0.003* 0.003* Ref. Yes 152 (72.7) 57 (27.3) 2.13 1.33-3.41 0.002* Not sure 29 (87.9) 4 (12.1) 0.784 0.259-2.368 0.666 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%). CI: confidence interval, RR: relative risk, e-cigarette: electronic cigarettes, Ref.: reference, SR: Saudi Riyals