Table of Contents
March 01, 2010; Volume 31,Issue 3
Abdel-rahman, Mohammed O.
- Open AccessSweat chloride concentration in cystic fibrosis patients with cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance regulator 11234V mutationMahmood D. Al-Mendalawi, Atqah Abdul-Wahab, Ibrahim A. Janahi and Mohammed O. Abdel-RahmanSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 339-340;
Abdul-karim, Enas T.
- Open AccessStudy of clinical characteristics, presentation, and complications among patients with congenital coagulation disordersEnas T. Abdul-Karim and Saad F. MohammedSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 299-303;
Abdul-wahab, Atqah
- Open AccessSweat chloride concentration in cystic fibrosis patients with cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance regulator 11234V mutationMahmood D. Al-Mendalawi, Atqah Abdul-Wahab, Ibrahim A. Janahi and Mohammed O. Abdel-RahmanSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 339-340;
Abu-sneineh, Awni T.
- Open AccessComparison of gastric emptying parameters between asymptomatic volunteers and patients with functional dyspepsia in Middle Eastern populationAbedallatif A. AlSharif, Awni T. Abu-Sneineh, Emad S. Tarawneh, Mohammad Amer M. Khatib, Mohammad S. Salah and Mustafa M. ShennakSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 270-275;
Ahanchian, Hamid
- Open AccessA comparison between traditional yogurt and probiotic yogurt in non-inflammatory acute gastroenteritisFarhad Heydarian, Hamid R. Kianifar, Hamid Ahanchian, Ali Khakshure, Javad Seyedi and Davood MoshirianSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 280-283;
Ai, Jihui
- Open AccessPolo-like kinase-1 regulates first cleavage of one-cell embryos in culture during assisted reproductionYiqing Zhao, Jihui Ai, Hanwang Zhang and Guijin ZhuSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 247-252;
Al-akily, Saleh A.
- Open AccessProphylactic measures used for the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery. A survey of routine practice in YemenMahfouth A. Bamashmus, Saleh A. Al-Akily and Mahmoud F. SalehSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 293-298;
Al-boukai, Ahmad A.
- Open AccessBilateral intraductal papillomas arising in ectopic axillary breast tissue synchronously with right breast intraductal carcinomaAhmad A. Al-BoukaiSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 321-324;
Al-dorzi, Hasan M.
- Open AccessNursing workload and perception about intensive insulin therapy in critically ill adult patientsSahal J. Samarkandy, Hasan M. Al-Dorzi, Hani M. Tamim and Yaseen M. ArabiSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 331-332;
Al-herbish, Abdullah S.
- Open AccessEffects of education of the head of the household on the prevalence of malnutrition in childrenMohammad I. El-Mouzan, Abdullah A. Al-Salloum, Abdullah S. Al-Herbish, Mansour M. Qurachi and Ahmad A. Al-OmarSaudi Medical Journal March 2010, 31 (3) 304-307;