Research ArticleOriginal Article
Open Access
Perceptions and knowledge regarding antimicrobial stewardship among clinicians in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Sameer E. Al-Harthi, Lateef M. Khan, Abdel-Moneim M. Osman, Mai A. Alim, Omar I. Saadah, Abdulrehman A. Almohammadi, Faheem M. Khan and Fatemah O. Kamel
Saudi Medical Journal July 2015, 36 (7) 813-820; DOI:
Sameer E. Al-Harthi
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
PhDLateef M. Khan
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
MBBS, MDAbdel-Moneim M. Osman
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
PhDMai A. Alim
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
PhDOmar I. Saadah
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
MRCP, CABPAbdulrehman A. Almohammadi
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
MD, FCCPFaheem M. Khan
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
MBBSFatemah O. Kamel
From the Departments of Pharmacology (Al-Harthi, Khan L, Alim, Kamel), Pediatrics (Saadah), College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, the Al-Abeer Medical Groups (Almohammadi, Khan F), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the National Cancer Institute (Osman), Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
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In this issue
Perceptions and knowledge regarding antimicrobial stewardship among clinicians in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Sameer E. Al-Harthi, Lateef M. Khan, Abdel-Moneim M. Osman, Mai A. Alim, Omar I. Saadah, Abdulrehman A. Almohammadi, Faheem M. Khan, Fatemah O. Kamel
Saudi Medical Journal Jul 2015, 36 (7) 813-820; DOI: 10.15537/smj.2015.7.11833
Perceptions and knowledge regarding antimicrobial stewardship among clinicians in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Sameer E. Al-Harthi, Lateef M. Khan, Abdel-Moneim M. Osman, Mai A. Alim, Omar I. Saadah, Abdulrehman A. Almohammadi, Faheem M. Khan, Fatemah O. Kamel
Saudi Medical Journal Jul 2015, 36 (7) 813-820; DOI: 10.15537/smj.2015.7.11833
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