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Overall survival of adult acute myeloid leukemia based on cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities during 5 years in a single center study
Enaam M. Alsobhi, Fayssal M. Farahat, Mustafa F. Daghistani, Khadeeja A. Awad, Omar S. Al-Zahrani, Afaf S. Al-Saiari and Fai K. Koshak
Saudi Medical Journal November 2019, 40 (11) 1171-1176; DOI:
Enaam M. Alsobhi
From the Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud University Medical College and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (Al-Sobhi, Farahat, Daghistani); from the College of Medicine (Awad, Al-Zahrani, Alsaiari), King Abdulaziz University; and from Al-Batterjee Medical College (Koshak), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
FRCPI, FRCPathFayssal M. Farahat
From the Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud University Medical College and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (Al-Sobhi, Farahat, Daghistani); from the College of Medicine (Awad, Al-Zahrani, Alsaiari), King Abdulaziz University; and from Al-Batterjee Medical College (Koshak), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
MD, PhDMustafa F. Daghistani
From the Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud University Medical College and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (Al-Sobhi, Farahat, Daghistani); from the College of Medicine (Awad, Al-Zahrani, Alsaiari), King Abdulaziz University; and from Al-Batterjee Medical College (Koshak), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
PhD, MScKhadeeja A. Awad
From the Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud University Medical College and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (Al-Sobhi, Farahat, Daghistani); from the College of Medicine (Awad, Al-Zahrani, Alsaiari), King Abdulaziz University; and from Al-Batterjee Medical College (Koshak), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Medical StudentOmar S. Al-Zahrani
From the Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud University Medical College and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (Al-Sobhi, Farahat, Daghistani); from the College of Medicine (Awad, Al-Zahrani, Alsaiari), King Abdulaziz University; and from Al-Batterjee Medical College (Koshak), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Medical StudentAfaf S. Al-Saiari
From the Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud University Medical College and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (Al-Sobhi, Farahat, Daghistani); from the College of Medicine (Awad, Al-Zahrani, Alsaiari), King Abdulaziz University; and from Al-Batterjee Medical College (Koshak), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Medical StudentFai K. Koshak
From the Abdulaziz Medical City, King Saud University Medical College and King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (Al-Sobhi, Farahat, Daghistani); from the College of Medicine (Awad, Al-Zahrani, Alsaiari), King Abdulaziz University; and from Al-Batterjee Medical College (Koshak), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Medical Student
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In this issue
Overall survival of adult acute myeloid leukemia based on cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities during 5 years in a single center study
Enaam M. Alsobhi, Fayssal M. Farahat, Mustafa F. Daghistani, Khadeeja A. Awad, Omar S. Al-Zahrani, Afaf S. Al-Saiari, Fai K. Koshak
Saudi Medical Journal Nov 2019, 40 (11) 1171-1176; DOI: 10.15537/smj.2019.11.24584
Overall survival of adult acute myeloid leukemia based on cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities during 5 years in a single center study
Enaam M. Alsobhi, Fayssal M. Farahat, Mustafa F. Daghistani, Khadeeja A. Awad, Omar S. Al-Zahrani, Afaf S. Al-Saiari, Fai K. Koshak
Saudi Medical Journal Nov 2019, 40 (11) 1171-1176; DOI: 10.15537/smj.2019.11.24584
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