Research ArticleOriginal Article
Open Access
Cultural influence on generational gaps
A case for medical education in the Gulf region
Amal A. Bukhari, Yoon S. Park, Omayma A. Hamed and Ara S. Tekian
Saudi Medical Journal June 2019, 40 (6) 601-609; DOI:
Amal A. Bukhari
From the Ophthalmology Department (Bukhari), Medical Education Department (Park, Hamed, Tekian), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and from the Medical Education Department of College of Medicine (Park, Tekian), University of Illinois Chicago, USA
MD, MsMedYoon S. Park
From the Ophthalmology Department (Bukhari), Medical Education Department (Park, Hamed, Tekian), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and from the Medical Education Department of College of Medicine (Park, Tekian), University of Illinois Chicago, USA
PhDOmayma A. Hamed
From the Ophthalmology Department (Bukhari), Medical Education Department (Park, Hamed, Tekian), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and from the Medical Education Department of College of Medicine (Park, Tekian), University of Illinois Chicago, USA
MD, MsMedAra S. Tekian
From the Ophthalmology Department (Bukhari), Medical Education Department (Park, Hamed, Tekian), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and from the Medical Education Department of College of Medicine (Park, Tekian), University of Illinois Chicago, USA
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In this issue
Cultural influence on generational gaps
Amal A. Bukhari, Yoon S. Park, Omayma A. Hamed, Ara S. Tekian
Saudi Medical Journal Jun 2019, 40 (6) 601-609; DOI: 10.15537/smj.2019.6.23863
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