Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents with chronic diseases (diabetes/hypertension) attending Ministry of Health Tobacco Cessation Clinics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2012-2017.
Characteristics Results Age, years (n=402) 40-50 years 140 (34.8) 51-60 years 170 (42.3) 61-70 years 75 (18.7) 71-80 years 17 (04.2) Gender (n=402) Male 393 (97.8) Female 09 (2.8) Marital status (n=395) Single 1 (0.3) Married 382 (96.7) Divorced 6 (01.5) Widowed 6 (01.5) Missing=7 Educational level (n=390) Intermediate or less 167 (42.8) Diploma or high school 140 (35.9) Bachelor or higher 83 (21.3) Missing values 12 (3.0) Missing=12 Occupation (n=392) Government employee 108 (27.6) Private employee 62 (15.8) Self employed 31 (7.9) Retired 168 (42.9) Unemployed 23 (05.9) Missing =10 Income level (SAR)(n=322) None 15 (4.7) ≤5,000 81 (25.2) 5,001-10,000 119 (37.0) 10,001-20,000 92 (28.5) >20,000 15 (4.7) Missing=80 Nationality (n=384) Saudi 335 (87.2) Non-Saudi 49 (12.8) Missing=18 Region (n=387) Central region 93 (23.1) Eastern region 43 (11.1) Western region 204 (52.7) Southern region 37 (9.2) Northern region 10 (2.6) Missing=15 Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation, number and percentage (%)
- Table 2
- Chronic disease characteristic of respondents’ attending Ministry of Health (MOH) Tobacco Cessation Clinics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2012-2017.
Characteristics Results Chronic diseases(n=402) Only diabetes mellitus (DM) 384 (95.5) Only hypertension (HTN) 193 (48.0) Both 175 (43.5) Duration of DM (n=377) ≤10 years 235 (62.7) >10 years 140 (37.3) Missing=25 Duration of HTN(n=192) ≤10 years 135 (70.7) >10 years 56 (29.3) Missing=210 Type of clinic visited for medical care of DM or HTN (n=351) MOH-primary health care 175 (45.7) MOH-hospital 103 (26.9) Private hospital 69 (18.0) Other government hospital 74 (19.3) None 19 (04.7) Missing=51 Frequency of health care facility visit per year for DM follow up (n=351) ≤8 times per year 199 (56.7) >8 times per year 152 (43.3) Frequency of health care facility visit for HTN follow up (n=165) ≤8 times per year 88 (53.3) >8 times per year 77 (46.7) Reported level of DM control (n=402) Controlled 60 (16.1) Uncontrolled 126 (33.9) Don’t know 216 (53.7) Missing=216 Reported level of HTN control (n=402) Controlled 28 (07.0) Uncontrolled 48 (11.9) Don’t know 326 (81.1) Last reported HbA1c (n=186) (mean+SD) 07.7±01.7 Missing=216 Last known systolic blood pressure (n=81) (mean+SD) 143.9±27.9 Last known diastolic blood pressure (n=76) (mean+SD) 87.4±21.6 Previous Hospital Admission (n=392) Yes 65 (16.6) No 327 (83.4) Missing=10 Reason for hospital admission (n=402) Thromboembolism 13 (27.1) High blood sugar 10 (20.8) High blood pressure 04 (08.3) Heart disease 10 (20.8) Other disease 11 (22.9) Treating physician recommended tobacco cessation (n=381) Yes 305 (80.1) No 76 (19.9) Missing=21 Self-decision to quit tobacco due to DM or HTN (n=398) Yes 179 (45.0) No 219 (55.0) Missing=4 Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation, number and percentage (%)
- Table 3
- Medical Services provided to respondents with chronic diseases (diabetes/hypertension) attending Ministry of Health Tobacco Cessation Clinics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2012-2017.
Characteristics Results Type of treatment Behavioral 186 (46.3) Medications 371 (92.3) Both 166 (41.3) Type of medication (n=352) Patch 156 (38.8) Tablets 262 (65.2) Gum 11 (02.7) Lozenge 68 (16.9) Type of tablet (n=262) Varenicline 233 (58.0) BupropionMissing=23 04 (01.0) Days used medication (mean±SD) Days for patch 22.6 ± 30.9 Days for lozenges 31.9 ± 98.8 Days for varenicline 38.9 ± 48.9 Days for bupropion 15.0 ± 17.3 Days for gum 10.0 ± 0 Treatment satisfaction(n=352) Very unsatisfied 17 (04.8) Unsatisfied 26 (07.4) Unsure 45 (12.8) Satisfied 121 (34.4) Very satisfied 143 (40.6) Missing=50 Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation, number and percentage (%).
- Table 4
- Bivariate analysis for the association between socio-demographics characteristics and groups of respondents attending Ministry of Health Tobacco Cessation Clinics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2012-2017.
Factor Group of patients P-value* Case (quit) (n=85) Controls (not quit)(n=317) Age ≤60 years 63 (74.1) 247 (77.9) 0.459 >60 years 22 (25.9) 70 (22.1) Gender Male 83 (97.6) 310 (97.8) 0.936 Female 2 (02.4) 7 (02.2) Marital status Single 1 (01.2) 12 (03.9) 0.224 Married 83 (98.8) 299 (96.1) Educational level High school or below 53 (65.4) 206 (66.7) 0.834 Diploma or higher 28 (34.6) 103 (33.3) Occupation Employed 42 (51.2) 159 (51.3) 0.991 Unemployed 40 (48.8) 151 (48.7) Income level (SAR) ≤10,000 35 (57.4) 165 (67.1) 0.155 >10,000 26 (42.6) 81 (32.9) Nationality Saudi 71 (85.5) 264 (87.7) 0.601 Non-Saudi 12 (14.5) 37 (12.3) Reported level of DM Controlled 14 (35.69) 46 (31.3) 0.584 Uncontrolled 25 (64.1) 101 (68.7) Reported level of HTN Controlled 08 (57.1) 20 (32.3) 0.081 Uncontrolled 06 (42.9) 42 (67.7) Results are expressed as number and percentage (%).
↵* P-value has been calculated using Chi-square test. DM: diabetes mellitus, HTN: hypertension
- Table 5
- Multivariate analysis predicting group of patients as case versus control from the socio-demographics characteristics, of respondents attending Ministry of Health Tobacco Cessation Clinics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2012-2017.
Factor OR 95% CI P-value* Age, years ≤60 vs. >60 0.537 0.036-8.123 0.654 Educational level High school or below vs. diploma or higher 17.011 1.000-289.2 0.050† Occupation Employed vs. unemployed 6.258 0.446-87.744 0.173 Income level (Saudi Riyal) ≤10,000 vs. >10,000 0.490 0.047-5.113 0.551 Nationality Saudi vs. non-Saudi 0.829 0.411-1.673 0.601 Reported level of DM Controlled vs. uncontrolled 1.429 0.130-15.739 0.771 Reported level of HTN Controlled vs. uncontrolled 17.824 1.516-209.6 0.022† OR: odds ratio, DM: diabetes mellitus, HTN: hypertension, vs: versus,
↵† Indicates significant p-value.