Article Figures & Data
Variable n (%) Age in years [mean ± SD] (n=282) 37.3 ± 8.6 NA Female (n=298) 162 (54) Division (n=317) Nursing 130 (40.8) Anesthesia 71 (22.3) Surgery 54 (16.9) Critical care 31 (9.7) Respiratory therapy 13 (4.1) Others 20 (6.3) Occupation 312 (41.7) Nurse 133 (17.2) Consultant 55 (12.5) Registrar 40 (11.3) Resident 36 (6.5) Technician 21 (4.4) Respiratory therapist 14 (6.3) Others 20 Chronic disease (n=294) 104 (32.6) Hypertension† 34 (32.6) Asthma† 25 (24.0) Diabetes† 17 (16.3) Others 25 (24.0) Smoker 35 (10.9) Blood group 300 (42.9) O 137 (24.8) A 79 (20.7) B 66 (5.3) AB 17 (0.3) Don’t know 1 Number of participants with history of COVID-19 infection (n=311) 25 (7.8) Recovered at home Admitted to hospital but did not require 21 (84.6) oxygen 4 (13.4) Number of participants with symptoms of COVID-19 infection 226 (70.8) ↵† Some participants had more than one chronic disease. COVID-19, coronavirus disease; RT-PCR: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, NA: not applicable
Variables n (%) Contact with patient(s) diagnosed with COVID-19 (n=310) 246 (77.1) Contact with household member diagnosed with COVID-19 (n=313) 38 (11.9) Contact with non-household member diagnosed with COVID-19 (n=309) 125 (39.2) Working in ICU (n=314) 119 (37.3) Part of airway team (n=312) 101 (31.7) Lack of PPE material (n=315) 118 (37.0) Have intubated patient(s) diagnosed with COVID-19 (n=313) 98 (30.7) ICU: intensive care unit, PPE: personal protective equipment
Variables n (%) Antibodies positive for COVID-19* 39 (12.2) Participants previously diagnosed with COVID-19 using RT-PCR 19 (48.7) Participants had symptoms of COVID-19 34 (87.1) Number of participants who suspected they had COVID-19 infection 103 (32.2) Participants previously diagnosed with COVID-19 using RT-PCR 24 (23.3) Participants had symptoms of COVID-19 95 (92.2) Participants who were antibody-positive but had no prior diagnosis of COVID-19 10 (9.7) ↵* One sample was equivocal and was considered negative in the final analysis. RT-PCR: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
- Table 4
- Association between risk factors for COVID-19 and developing COVID-19 infection or antibodies.
Variable (yes/no) Blood Test Odds ratio 95% CI P-value Negative Positive Contract with family member who has COVID-19 23/243 15/30 5.3 2.5-11.2 <0.001 Contract with non-family member who has COVID-19 103/163 21/22 1.4 0.7-2.6 0.314 History of chronic disease† 107/159 21/27 1.3 0.6-2.4 0.417 Presence of COVID-19 symptoms 181/85 39/6 3.1 1.2-7.5 0.011 Lack of PPE 177/95 24/21 1.5 0.8-3.0 0.160 Contact with patient(s) with COVID-19 203/63 38/7 1.6 0.7-4.0 0.227 Working In ICU 94/172 22/23 1.8 0.9-3.3 0.082 Part of Airway team 85/181 16/29 1.2 0.6-2.3 0.633 Participants have intubated patient with COVID-19 79/187 18/27 1.6 0.8-3.0 0.168 Participants had previously tested for COVID-19 119/147 35/10 4.3 2.1-9.0 <0.001 Participants have suspected they had COVID-19 infection 67/199 34/11 8.1 3.8-17.4 <0.001 Participants have a blood group O (vs. other type) 122/128 14/31 0.5 0.2-0.9 0.028 Participants are female (versus male) 108/141 24/21 1.5 0.8-2.8 0.216 PPE: personal protective equipment, ICU: intensive care unit