Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Descriptive statistics of patient’s demographic and clinical characteristics (N=242).
Characteristics n (%) Age (years) mean±SD 58.3±11.83 ≤60 138 (57.0) >60 104 (43.0) Gender Female 82 (33.9) Male 160 (66.1) Smoking status Ex-smoker 15 (6.2) Non-smoker 159 (65.7) Smoker 68 (28.1) Indications Atypical angina 67 (27.7) NSTEMI 43 (17.8) Stable angina 6 (2.5) STEMI 48 (19.8) Unstable angina 78 (32.2) Comorbidities* Diabetes mellitus 142 (58.7) Hypertension 134 (55.4) Dyslipidemia 73 (30.2) History of heart failure 35 (14.5) History of ACS 31 (12.8) Hypothyroidism 16 (6.6) Renal disease 12 (5.0) History of IHD 38 (15.7) Severe aortic stenosis 11 (4.5) Rheumatic heart disease 11 (4.5) Others 12 (4.9) Number of comorbidities No comorbidities 59 (24.4) Single comorbidity 39 (16.1) 2 comorbidities 71 (29.3) Multiple comorbidities 73 (30.2) ↵* Categories within this variable are not mutually exclusive. NSTEMI: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, STEMI: ST-elevation myocardial infarction, ACS: acute coronary syndrome, IHD: ischemic heart disease
Pattern of artery lesions n (%) Pattern of artery lesions* LM lesion 23 9(.5) LAD lesion 166 (68.6) Ramus lesion 19 (7.9) LCX lesion 118 (48.8) RCA lesion 124 (51.2) Multi vessel disease Yes 139 (57.4) No 103 (42.6) Dominant artery Both 23 (9.5) Left 79 (32.6) Right 140 (57.9) ↵* Categories within variable are not mutually exclusive. LM: left main artery lesion, LAD: left anterior descending artery lesion, LCX: left circumflex artery lesion, RCA: right coronary artery lesion
- Table 3
- Distribution and association management modalities with associated factors (N=242).
Associated factors Management modalities Best medical therapy CABG PCI Age (years) ≤60 105 (76.1) 23 (16.7) 10 (7.2) >60 64 (61.5) 22 (2.2) 18 (17.3) Gender Male 117 (73.1) 32 (20) 11 (6.9) Female 52 (63.4) 13 (15.9) 17 (20.7) Smoking status Current/ex-smoker 56 (67.9) 20 (24.7) 6 (7.4) Non- smoker 113 (71.1) 25 (15.7) 21 (13.2) Diabetes mellitus Yes 91 (64.1) 26 (18.3) 25 (17.6) No 78 (78.0) 19 (19.0) 3 (3.0) Hypertension Yes 89 (66.4) 23 (17.2) 22 (16.4.) No 80 (74.1) 22 (20.4) 6 (5.6) Dyslipidemia Yes 45 (61.6) 12 (16.4) 16 (21.9) No 124 (73.4) 33 (19.5) 12 (7.1) Diagnosis Atypical angina 48 (71.6) 16 (23.9) 3 (4.5) Stable angina 5 (83.3) 1 (16.7) 0 (0.0) Unstable angina 52 (66.7) 10 (12.8) 16 (20.5) NSTEMI 29 (67.4) 11 (25.6) 3 (7.0) STEMI 35 (72.9) 7 (14.6) 6 (12.5) LM lesion Yes 12 (52.2) 11(47.8) 0 (0.0) No 157 (71.7) 34 (15.5) 28 (12.8) LAD lesion Yes 116 (69.9) 43 (25.9) 7 (4.2) No 53 (69.7) 2 (2.6) 21 (27.6) Ramus Yes 6 (31.6) 13 (68.4) 0 (0.0) No 163 (73.1) 32 (14.3) 28 (12.6) LCX Yes 73 (61.9) 37 (31.4) 8 (6.8) No 96 (77.4) 8 (6.5) 20 (16.1) RCA Yes 65 (52.4) 35 (28.2) 24 (19.4) No 104 (88.1) 10 (8.5) 4 (3.4) Dominant artery Right 79 (56.4) 39 (27.9) 22 (15.7) Left 73 (92.4) 4 (5.1) 2 (2.5) Both 17 (73.9) 2 (8.7) 4 (17.4) MVD Yes 85 (61.2) 44 (31.7) 10 (7.2) No 84 (81.6) 1 (1.0) 18 (17.4) Total 169 (69.8) 45 (18.6) 28 (11.6) Values are presented as number and percentages (%). BMT: best medical therapy, PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention, CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting, NSTEMI: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, STEMI: ST-elevation myocardial infarction, LM: left main lesion, RCA: right coronary arteries, LAD: left anterior descending artery, LCX: left circumflex artery, MVD: coronary microvascular disease
- Table 4
- Association between associated factors with management modalities (univariate regression analysis).
Associated factors Univariate regression analysis Unadjusted OR (95% CI; P-value) Best medical therapy CABG PCI Age (years) ≤60 Ref. 1.57(0.81-3.04); p=0.182* 2.95(1.28-6.79);p=0.011* >60 Ref. 1 1 Gender Male Ref. 1.09 (0.53-2.25); p=0.807 0.29 (0.13-0.66); p=0.003* Female Ref. 1 1 Smoking status Current/ex-smoker Ref. 1.64 (0.84-3.21); p=0.146* 0.59 (0.22-1.54); p=0.278 Non- smoker Ref. 1 1 Diabetes mellitus Yes Ref. 1.17 (0.60-2.28); p=0.638 7.14 (2.08-24.56); p=0.002* No Ref. 1 1 Hypertension Yes Ref. 0.94 (0.49-1.81); p=0.853 3.29 (1.27-8.54); p=0.014* No Ref. 1 1 Dyslipidemia Yes Ref. 1.0 (0.48-2.11); p=0.996 3.67 (1.61-8.36); p=0.002* No Ref. 1 1 Diagnosis Atypical angina Ref. 1.67 (0.62-4.48); p=0.312 0.37 (0.09-1.56); p=0.173* Stable angina Ref. 1.0 (0.10-9.93); p=1.000 ------- Unstable angina Ref. 0.96 (0.33-2.77); p=0.942 1.79 (0.64-5.04); p=0.266 NSTEMI Ref. 1.89 (0.65-5.52); p=0.240* 0.60 (0.14-2.63); p=0.50 STEMI Ref. 1 1 LM lesion Yes Ref. 4.23 (1.72-10.4); p=0.002* ------ No Ref. 1 ------ LAD lesion Yes Ref. 9.82 (2.29-42.07); p=0.002* 0.15 (0.06-42.07); p=0.000* No Ref. 1 1 Ramus Yes Ref. 11.04 (3.91-31.19); p=0.002* ------ No Ref. 1 1 LCX Yes Ref. 6.08 (2.67-13.85); p=0.000* 0.53 (0.22-1.26); p=0.15* No Ref. 1 1 RCA Yes Ref. 5.6(2.59-12.07); p=0.000* 9.60 (3.19-28.93); p=0.000* No Ref. 1 1 Dominant artery Right Ref. 4.19 (0.92-19.1); p=0.063* 1.18 (0.36-3.88); p=0.781 Left Ref. 0.47 (0.08-2.76); p=0.400 0.12 (0.02-0.69); p=0.018* Both Ref. 1 1 MVD Yes Ref. 43.48(5.86-322.88); p=0.000* 0.55 (0.24-1.26); p=0.157* No Ref. 1 1 Significance levels: for unadjusted/univariate analysis <0.25, for multivariate analysis <0.05. Multinomial logistic regression used. The reference category is: “best medical therapy”. OR: odds ratio (95% confidence interval). PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention, CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting, NSTEMI: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, STEMI: ST-elevation myocardial infarction, LM: left main lesion, RCA: right coronary arteries, LAD: left anterior descending artery, LCX: left circumflex artery, MVD: coronary microvascular disease, *statistically significance value
- Table 5
- Association between associated factors with management modalities (multivariate regression analysis).
Associated factors Multivariate regression analysis Adjusted OR (95% CI; P-value) Best medical therapy CABG PCI Age groups ≤60 years Ref. 4.27 (1.55-11.8); p=0.005* 1.26 (0.33-4.89); p:0.738 >60 years Ref. 1 1 Gender Male Ref. ------ 0.31 (0.07-1.39); p:0.126 Female Ref. ------ 1 Smoking status Current/ex-smoker Ref. 0.98 (0.33-2.87); p=0.965 ------ Non- smoker Ref. 1 ------ Diabetes mellitus Yes Ref. ------ 4.07 (0.81-20.4); p=0.089 No Ref. ------ 1 Hypertension Yes Ref. ------ 0.85 (0.19-3.68); p=0.824 No Ref. ------ 1 Dyslipidemia Yes Ref. ------ 1.42 (0.29-6.99); p=0.670 No Ref. ------ 1 Diagnosis Atypical angina Ref. 1.63 (0.41-6.63); p=0.490 1.14 (0.14-9.24); p=0.905 Stable angina Ref. 1.57 (0.09-24.73); p=0.751 ------- Unstable angina Ref. 1.23 (0.35-4.29); p=0.747 0.72 (0.10-5.22); p=0.748 NSTEMI Ref. 0.894 (0.21-3.89); p=0.881 0.72 (0.09-5.93); p=0.761 STEMI Ref. 1 1 LM lesion Yes Ref. 4.94 (1.47-16.61); p=0.010* ------ No Ref. 1 ------- LAD lesion Yes Ref. 0.83 (0.08-8.75); p=0.875 0.088 (0.01-0.79); p=0.030* No Ref. 1 1 Ramus Yes Ref. 6.88 (1.77-26.79); p=0.005* ------ No Ref. 1 ------ LCX Yes Ref. 1.71 (0.46-6.35); p=0.422 1.36 (0.22-8.25); p=0.739 No Ref. 1 1 RCA Yes Ref. 1.64 (0.59-4.55); p=0.342 14.6 (2.29-93.1); p=0.005* No Ref. 1 1 Dominant artery Right Ref. 5.67 (0.91-35.4); p=0.063 0.33 (0.06-1.90); p=0.213 Left Ref. 1.16 (0.12-10.98); p=0.900 0.12 (0.01-1.16); p=0.067 Both Ref. 1 1 MVD Yes Ref. 13.13 (0.60-285.7); p=0.101 0.95 (0.04-20.9); p=0.975 No Ref. 1 1 Significance levels: for unadjusted/univariate analysis <0.25, for multivariate analysis <0.05. Multinomial logistic regression used. The reference category is: “best medical therapy”. OR: odd ratio (95% confidence interval). PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention, CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting, NSTEMI: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, STEMI: ST-elevation myocardial infarction, LM: left main lesion, RCA: right coronary arteries, LAD: left anterior descending artery, LCX: left circumflex artery, MVD: coronary microvascular disease,
↵* statistically significance value