Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- General characteristics of the health profession. Awareness of medical law among healthcare practitioners in Saudi Arabia, 2021.
Variables n % Age 18-24 123 (16.4) 25-34 422 (56.3) 35-44 128 (17.1) 45-54 54 (7.2) 55-64 22 (2.9) 65+ 1 (0.1) Gender Female 237 (31.6) Male 513 (68.4) Nationality Non-Saudi 87 (11.6) Specialty Saudi 663 (88.4) Dentist 67 (8.9) Medical doctor 358 (47.7) Nurse 96 (12.8) Pharmacist 40 (5.3) Student 85 (11.3) Other 104 (13.9) Regions Central region 420 (56.0) Eastern region 50 (6.7) Northern region 25 (3.3) Southern region 167 (22.3) Western region 88 (11.7) Institution King Faisal Specialist Hospital 71 (9.5) Military hospitals 111 (14.8) Ministry of health hospitals 295 (39.3) Other 113 (15.1) Private hospitals 40 (5.3) Security forces hospitals 16 (2.1) University hospitals 104 (13.9) Year in clinical practice Less than 10 years 616 (82.1) More than 10 years 134 (17.9) Professional level Not a physician 305 (40.7) Intern 57 (7.6) Consultant 66 (8.8) Junior resident 157 (20.9) Senior resident/registrar 160 (21.4) - Table 2
- Factors affecting awareness of medical law among healthcare practitioners in Saudi Arabia, 2021 (N=750).
Characteristics Awareness Total P-value Adequate Moderate Poor n (%) Age 18-24 0 2 121 123 (16.4) 0.009 25-34 3 4 415 422 (56.3) 35-44 3 3 122 128 (17.1) 45-54 4 1 49 54 (7.2) 55-64 1 1 20 22 (2.9) 65+ 0 0 1 1 (0.1) Gender Female 1 4 232 237 (31.6) 0.302 Male 10 7 496 513 (68.4) Nationality Non-Saudi 1 1 85 87 (11.6) 1.0 Saudi 10 10 643 663 (88.4) Specialty Dentist 2 2 63 67 (8.9) 0.330 Medical doctor 6 6 346 358 (47.7) Nurse 1 2 93 96 (12.8) Other 0 1 103 104 (13.9) Pharmacist 2 0 38 40 (5.3) Student 0 0 85 85 (11.3) Regions Central region 3 6 411 420 (56) 0.028 Eastern region 0 0 50 50 (6.7) Northern region 3 0 22 25 (3.3) Southern region 4 2 161 167 (22.4) Western region 1 3 84 88 (11.7) Institutions King Faisal Specialist Hospital 0 1 70 71 (9.5) 0.704 Military hospitals 3 0 108 111 (14.8) Ministry of health hospitals 5 5 285 295 (39.3) Other 3 2 108 113 (15.1) Private hospitals 0 0 40 40 (5.3) Security forces hospitals 0 0 16 16 (2.1) University hospitals 0 3 101 104 (13.9) Year in clinical practice Less than 10 years 8 7 601 616 (82.1) 0.133 More than 10 years 3 4 127 134 (17.9) Professional level of training Not a physician 6 6 293 305 (40.7) 0.032 Intern 2 0 55 57 (7.6) Consultant 0 0 66 66 (8.8) Junior resident 2 4 151 157 (20.9) Senior resident/Registrar 1 1 158 160 (21.4) - Table 3
- Experience of healthcare practitioners in Saudi Arabia in relation to medical law.
Questions Response n % Have you ever read “The Saudi Law of Practicing Healthcare Professions 1441H”? Yes 186 (24.8) Have you ever studied Saudi medical law during your educational journey? Yes 248 (33.1) Have you ever read the “Code Ethics for Healthcare Practitioners” from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties? Yes 406 (54.1) Have you ever been threatened to be sued in Saudi Arabia? Yes 71 (9.5) Have you ever been sued in Saudi Arabia? Yes 18 (2.4)