Article Figures & Data
Variables n (%) Hospital’s name Al-Hada 964 (51.9) King Abdulaziz 328 (17.7) King Faisal 457 (24.6) Prince Mansour 108 (5.8) Age (years) ≤25 101 (5.4) 26-35 127 (6.8) 36-45 168 (9.0) 46-55 232 (12.5) >55 1229 (66.2) Gender Female 756 (40.7) Male 1101 (59.3) Marital status Single 169 (9.1) Married 935 (50.4) Divorced or widowed 40 (2.2) Not recorded 713 (38.4) Educational qualification Primary school or illiterate 118 (6.3) Secondary (high school) 42 (2.3) Collage and above 68 (3.7) Not recorded 1629 (87.7) Body mass index Underweight 56 (3.0) Normal 226 (12.2) Overweight 251 (13.5) Obese 361 (19.4) Not recorded 963 (51.9) Values are precented as numbers and precentages (%).
Characteristics n (%) P-values Type of CKD CKD 847 (45.6) ESRD 1010 (54.4) GFR CKD Mildly to moderately decreased 11 (1.3) Moderately to severely decreased 20 (2.4) Severely decreased 816 (96.3) <0.001 ESRD Moderately to severely decreased 1 (0.1) Severely decreased 1009 (99.9) Dialysis CKD No 804 (94.9) Yes 43 (5.1) ESRD <0.001 No 142 (14.1) Yes 868 (85.9) Type of dialysis (n=911) CKD Hemodialysis 38 (88.4) Peritoneal dialysis 5 (11.6) ESRD <0.001 Hemodialysis 756 (87.1) Peritoneal dialysis 112 (12.9) Duration of dialysis (n=911) CKD <1 years 18 (41.9) 1-2 years 11 (25.6) 3-5 years 10 (23.3) 6-10 years 4 (9.3) ESRD <0.001 <1 years 359 (41.4) 1-2 years 264 (30.4) 3-5 years 182 (21.0) 6-10 years 55 (6.3) >10 years 8 (0.9) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).
CKD: chronic kidney disease, GFR: glomerular filtration rate, ESRD: end stage renal disease
Characteristics n (%) Diagnosed with stroke 154 (8.3) Duration of onset kidney disease (n=154) <1 year 75 (48.7) 1-2 years 36 (23.4) 3-5 years 19 (12.3) 6-10 years 12 (7.8) >10 years 12 (7.8) Stroke (n=154) Hemorrhagic stroke 29 (18.8) Ischemic stroke 125 (81.2) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).
Variables Stroke P-values No Yes Total Stages of CKD 0 105 (89.7) 12 (10.3) 117 (100) 0.238 1 57 (89.1) 7 (10.9) 64 (100) 2 200 (90.5) 21 (9.5) 221 (100) 3 291 (94.2) 18 (5.8) 309 (100) 4 96 (96.0) 4 (4.0) 100 (100) 5 922 (91.3) 88 (8.7) 1010 (100) Duration of dialysis <1 years 1212 (91.8) 108 (8.2) 1320 (100) 0.769 1-2 years 257 (92.8) 20 (7.2) 277 (100) 3-5 years 174 (90.6) 18 (9.4) 192 (100) 6-10 years 52 (88.1) 7 (11.9) 59 (100) >10 years 8 (88.9) 1 (11.1) 9 (100) Type of dialysis Hemodialysis 725 (91.0) 72 (9.0) 797 (100) 0.315 Peritoneal dialysis 978 (92.3) 82 (7.7) 1060 (100) Vlaues are presented as numbers and precentages (%). CKD: chronic kidney disease
Variables Type stroke P-values Hemorrhagic Ischemic Total Duration of dialysis <1 years 1166 (88.3) 154 (11.7) 1320 (100) 0.234 1-2 years 257 (92.8) 20 (7.2) 277 (100) 3-5 years 175 (91.1) 17 (8.9) 192 (100) 6-10 years 52 (88.1) 7 (11.9) 59 (100) >10 years 8 (88.9) 1 (11.1) 9 (100) Type of dialysis Hemodialysis 726 (91.1) 71 (8.9) 797 (100) 0.029 Peritoneal dialysis 932 (87.9) 128 (12.1) 1060 (100) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).
Variables OR 95% CI P-values Lower Upper Age above 55 years 3.30 1.86 5.86 <0.001 Gender 0.76 0.52 1.12 0.166 Marital status (married) 1.27 0.82 2.60 0.001 Education level 0.24 0.04 1.34 0.103 BMI of >25 0.90 0.78 1.04 0.152 Hypertension 3.11 1.58 6.12 0.001 Diabetes 0.83 0.57 1.21 0.331 Acute kidney injury 2.30 0.71 7.41 0.163 Benign prostatic hyperplasia 1.35 0.61 3.00 0.466 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1.96 0.79 4.85 0.148 Hyperlipidemia 3.18 0.33 30.87 0.318 Ischemic heart disease 1.38 0.95 2.00 0.043 Urinary tract infection 1.15 0.42 3.17 0.786 Hypothyroidism 1.32 0.74 2.37 0.346 On dialysis 0.99 0.64 1.55 0.975 On dialysis for >5 years 1.13 0.89 1.44 0.327 Constant 0.09 0.001 OR: odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, BMI: body mass index