Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Magnitude of placenta previa and placenta accreta spectrum in the current study.
Variables n (%) Total number of deliveries 54,341 (-) Total number of C-sections 21,708 (-) General precentage of C-sections 21,708 (39.9) Total number of PP patients 376 (0.69) Minor degree PP 77 (20.5) Major degree PP 299 (79.5) Major degree PP/number of all deliveries 299 (0.5) Numbers of C-sections for major degree PP 299 (1.4) Emergency hysterectomy/major PP patients 29 (9.7) Maternal mortality/major PP patients 1 (0.3) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%). PP: placenta previa
Variables n (%) Mean±SD Range (min-max) Age (years) ≤20 4 (1.3) 33.3±5.7 17-47 21-30 93 (31.1) 31-40 178 (59.5) ≥41 24 (8.0) Gravidity 1-4 140 (46.8) 5.1±2.7 1-13 ≥5 159 (53.2) Parity Nullipara 22 (7.4) 3.3±2.2 0-12 1-4 205 (68.6) Grand multipara (≥5) 72 (24.1) Abortions No abortion 170 (56.9) 0.8±1.1 0-6 1-2 104 (34.8) Recurrent (≥3) 25 (8.4) Previous C-sections No 115 (38.5) 1.6±1.5 0-6 1 47 (15.7) 2 53 (17.7) 3 38 (12.7) 4 32 (10.7) 5 11 (3.7) 6 3 (1.0) Previous uterine surgery No uterine surgery 241 (80.6) Dilatation and curettage 43 (14.4) Dilatation and evacuation 12 (4.0) Suction evacuation 2 (0.7) Myomectomy 1 (0.3) Clinical presentation No bleeding 61 (20.4) Bleeding 238 (79.6) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%). Min: minimum, max: maximum, SD: standard deviation
Variables n (%) Mean±SD Range (min-max) Placental location Posterior 180 (60.2) Anterior 119 (39.8) Placenta accreta spectrum (by MRI) No PAS 208 (69.6) Yes 91 (30.5) Current IVF pregnancy No 291 (97.3) Yes 8 (2.7) Number of fetuses Single 296 (99.0) Twins 3 (1.0) Fetal status Living/normal 282 (94.3) IUFD 7 (2.3) IUGR 6 (2.0) Malformed 4 (1.4) Fetal presentation Cephalic 230 (76.9) Breech 53 (17.7) Transverse/complex 16 (5.4) Gestational age on admission (weeks) 24-32 98 (32.8) 31.7±3.3 25-37 33-36 167 (55.9) ≥37 34 (11.4) Gestational age on termination (weeks) 24-32 43 (14.6) 33-36 162 (53.6) 34.6±5.5 27-39 ≥37 94 (31.9) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).
SD: standard deviation, min: minimum, max: maximum,
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging, IVF: in vitro fertilization,
PAS: placenta accreta spectrum, IUFD: intra uterine fetal death,
IUGR: intra uterine growth restriction
Variables n (%) Mean±SD Range (min-max) Pre-operative (admission) hemoglobin (gm/dl) <9 gm/dl 27 (9.0) 10.9±1.5 6.5-14.3 ≥9 gm/dl 272 (91.0) Post-operative hemoglobin (gm/dl)* <9 13 (4.4) 10.3±1.4 6.1-13.5 ≥9 285 (95.6) Packed RBCS transfusion (units) No 38 (12.7) 1.9±1.7 0-13 1-3 227 (75.9) 4-6 23 (7.7) ≥7 11 (3.7) Fresh frozen plasma transfusion (units) No 186 (62.2) 1.1±2.1 0-21 1-3 89 (29.7) 4-6 22 (7.4) ≥7 2 (7.0) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).
↵* N=298 (one maternal death). SD: standard deviation, min: minimum, max: maximum, RBCS: red blood cells
Variables n (%) Timing of C-sections Planned 196 (65.6) Emergency 103 (34.4) Intra operative bleeding ± hysterectomy Normal blood loss (~1000 cc) 39 (13.0) Mild bleeding (>1000-2000 cc; only medical treatment) 145 (48.5) Moderate bleeding (>2000-3000 cc; medical treatment±balloon tamponade/b-lynch±vessel ligation) 86 (28.8) Heavy bleeding (>3000 cc) + hysterectomy (failed all conservative treatment) 29 (9.7) Intra operative visceral Injury ± hysterectomy No hysterectomy or visceral injury 264 (88.3) Bladder injury (isolated) 5 (1.7) Intestinal injury 1 (0.3) Emergency hysterectomy 17 (5.7) Emergency hysterectomy + bladder injury 10 (3.3) Emergency hysterectomy + bladder injury + ureteric injury 2 (0.7) Post operative hospital stay (days), mean±SD* 3.67±2.04 ≤3 231 (77.6) 4-6 48 (16.2) ≥7 19 (6.1) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%).
↵* N=298 (one maternal death). SD: standard deviation
- Table 6
- Incidence, risk factors, and maternal outcomes of the placenta previa/accreta spectrum in the current study and in previous Saudi studies.
Variables Current study Mansour et al18 Radwan et al20 Abduljabbar et al19 Kassem et al22 Bahar et al21 Zaki et al23 Population city Abha Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah Jeddah Jeddah Taif Abha Abha Total deliveries 54,341 31,296 6000 55,862 29,053 42,487 23,070 C-sections 21,708 (39.9) ----- ----- 11,412 (20.3) ----- 9620 (22.6) ----- Total PP 376 (0.69) 200 (0.64) 96 (1.6) 230 (0.41) 122 (0.42) 306 (0.73) 110 (0.48) Major degree PP 299/376 (79.5) ----- ----- 110/230 (47.8) 80/122 (65.5) 173/306 (56.5) 110 (100) Minor degree PP 77/376 (20.5) ----- ----- 120/230 (52.2) 42/122 (34.5) 133/306 (43.5) ----- PAS per PP 91/299 (30.5) 82/200 (41.0) 11/96 (11.5) ----- 25/122 (20.5) 45/173 (26.0) 12/110 (11.0) PAS per all deliveries 91 (0.16) 82 (0.26) 11 (0.18) ----- 25 (0.09) 45 (0.11) 12 (0.05) No PAS 208/299 (69.6) 118/200 (59.0) 85/96 (88.5) ----- 97/122 (79.5) 128/173 (74.0) 98/110 (89.0) No APH (asymptomatic) 61/299 (20.4) ----- ----- 39/230 (17.0) ----- 26/173 (15.0) ----- Age, mean±SD or median (range) 33.3±5.7 (17-47) 34.3±6.0 32.3±5.1 >35 Y: 79 (34.0) 32.9±5.06 31 (16-48) 34±5.4 parity, mean±SD or median (range) 3.3±2.2 (0-12) --- 3.0±1.5 ----- 3.7±2.52 (0-10) 4 (0-15) 4.8±3.0 Grand multipara (≥5-6) 72/299 (24.1) 42/200 (21.0) ----- 35/230 (15.3) ----- ----- ----- Previous C-sections in PP or PAS PP: 184/299 (61.5) PP: 147/200 (73.5) PP: 73/96 (75.4) PP: 105/230
(45.7)PP: 70/122
(57.4)PAS: 24/25 (96.0)PP: 100/173
(57.8)PP: 27/98 (27.5)
PAS: 9/12 (75.0)C-sections (≥3) 84/299 (28.1) 67/200 (33.5) ----- 24/230 (10.5) 30/122 (24.5) 35/173 (20.2) 5/110 (4.5) No C-sections 115/299 (38.5) 53/200 (26.5) 23/96 (25.6) 125/230 (54.3) 52/122 (42.6) 73/173 (42.2) 74/110 (67.3) Previous uterine surgery 58/299 (19.4) 21/200 (10.5) ----- 47 (20.4) ----- ----- ----- Cesarean hysterectomy with PP or PAS PP: 29/299 (9.7) PP: 9/200 (4.5)
PAS: 9/82 (11.0)PP: 13/96 (13.5)
PAS: 7/11 (63.6)PP: 22/230 (9.6) PP: 24/122 (19.7)
PAS: 21/25 (84.0)PP: 38/173
(22.0)PP: 2/98 (2.0)
PAS: 6/12 (50.0)Emergency cesarean Sec. 103/299 (34.4) 184/200 (92.0) ----- 130/230 (56.5) 56/122 (45.9) 112/173 (64.7) ----- Planned cesarean Sec. 196/299 (65.6) 16/200 (8.0) ----- 100/230 (43.5) 66/122 (54.1) 61/173 (35.3) ----- Urologic injuries (bladder/ureteric) 19/299 (6.3) 10/200 (5.0) 4/96 (4.1) --- 12/122 (9.8) 10/173 (5.8) ----- Blood transfusion (RBCs) PP: 261/299 (87.5) PP: 134/200 (67.0) ----- PP: 26/230 (11.3) PP: 70/122 (57.3) Intra: 35 (20.2)
Post: 93 (53.8)PP: 18/98 (18.3)
PAS: 11/12 (91.5)Pre-term delivery (<37 weeks) 205/299 (68.5) ----- ----- 110/230 (50.0) 82/122 (67.2) 98/173 (56.6) --- Maternal mortality by PP 1/299 (0.3) No mortality No mortality ----- No mortality No mortality 1/110 (0.9) Postoperative hospital stay, mean±SD 3.67±2.04
≥4 D: 67 (22.4)----- ----- ----- 4.9±1.83
>5 D: 22 (18.0)≥14 D: 98 (56.6) ----- Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%). Some percentages are calculated against the total number of patients with PP or against total number of patients with PAS. PP: placenta previa, PAS: placenta accreta spectrum, APH: antepartum haemorrhage, SD: standard deviation, Sec.: section, RBCs: red blood cells, D: days, Y: years