Article Figures & Data
ID Gender Age at diagnosis (years) Anatomical location of disease Symptoms at initial presentation Symptoms at the last clinic visit Length of follow-up (months) Total number of procedures Number of Cidofovir sessions Number of Avastin sessions Clinical outcomes 1 F 4 Ant. commissure, Lt. VC Aphonia, choking, cough, dyspnea on exertion Hoarseness, noisy breathing on exertion 12 4 3 0 Partial 2 F 11 Ant. commissure, Lt. arytenoid, Rt. and Lt. VC, Lt. false VC, subglottic, trachea posterior wall Hoarseness, noisy breathing, dyspnea on exertion Noisy breathing 159 26 12 2 Partial 3 F 2 Rt. aryepiglottic fold, Lt. arytenoid, Rt. false VC Hoarseness, biphasic stridor, dyspnea on exertion Hoarseness, and noisy breathing on exertion 90 6 5 0 Complete 4 F 4 Laryngeal surface of epiglottis, Rt. and Lt. VC, Rt. and Lt. false VC, ant. commissure Hoarseness, noisy breathing during sleep and exertion Hoarseness and cough 13 6 5 0 Persistent 5 M 9 Ant. commissure, post-commissure, Rt. and Lt. VC, false VC, subglottic, post-nasopharyngeal wall, Rt. lateral nasopharyngeal wall, Lt. MT and nasal septum Hoarseness, dysphagia, and stridor Hoarseness 7 5 4 5 Persistent 6 M 3 Ant. commissure, Rt. and Lt. VC, Rt. and Lt. false VC Hoarseness, noisy breathing on exertion Hoarseness 30 16 4 11 Partial 7 M 3 Lt. VC Hoarseness, aphonia, dyspnea, noisy breathing Cough 58 15 5 8 Complete 8 F 1 Ant. commissure, Lt. VC, Lt. false VC Hoarseness, weak voice Hoarseness 123 17 3 8 Partial 9 M 0.92 Rt. VC, uvula Hoarseness, weak cry, cyanosis, noisy breathing Asymptomatic 64 13 4 6 Complete 10 M 2 Rt. VC Hoarseness, dyspnea, stridor Asymptomatic 72 2 0 0 Complete 11 M 1.25 Rt. pyriform, Rt. arytenoid, Rt. VC, uvula Hoarseness, dyspnea, cyanosis Asymptomatic 54 10 5 4 Complete 12 M 10 Lt. VC, Rt. and Lt. false VC Hoarseness, noisy breathing, apnea during sleep Hoarseness 6 3 0 3 Partial 13 F 3 Rt. and Lt. VC, ant. commissure, Rt. and Lt. arytenoid, interarytenoid Hoarseness, noisy breathing Hoarseness 39 9 0 5 Persistent 14 F 1.1 Laryngeal surface of epiglottis, ant. commissure, Rt. ventricle, nasal vestibule Hoarseness Asymptomatic 144 6 5 0 Persistent 15 F 2.3 Ant. commissure, Rt. VC, Rt. and Lt. false VC Aphonia Asymptomatic 12 3 0 2 Partial 16 F 9 Ant. commissure, Rt. and Lt. VC, Lt. false VC, Rt. ventricle Hoarseness, dyspnea Asymptomatic 121 7 1 0 Partial ID: identification, F: female, M: male, Ant.: anterior, VC: vocal cord, Rt.: right, Lt.: left, MT: middle turbinate
Variables n (%) Gender Male 7 (43.8) Female 9 (56.3) Age at diagnosis (year) 3 (1.81-5.25) Total number of procedures 6.5 (4.75-13.5) Length of follow-up (month) 56 (12.8-97.8) Histology of tissue specimen Squamous papilloma 11 (68.8) Squamous papilloma with HPV 2 (12.5) Squamous papilloma with HPV P16 2 (12.5) Squamous papilloma, with HPV-6, and HPV-11 1 (6.3) Complications Anterior commissure adhesion 1 (6.3) Disseminated RRP (pulmonary) 1 (6.3) Extralaryngeal spread 5 (31.2) Nasal vestibule 1 (6.3) Posterior pharyngeal wall 1 (6.3) Trachea 1 (6.3) Uvula 2 (12.5) Posterior glottic stenosis 1 (6.3) None 8 (50.0) First Derkay score 17 (12-19.8) MTI 0.215 (0.107-0.362) Patients treated with cidofovir 12 (75.0) Patients treated with avastin 10 (62.5) Change in Derkay’s score -11 (-13.3, -8.5) Clinical outcome Complete remission 5 (31.3) Partial remission 7 (43.8) Persistent disease 4 (25.0) Values are presented as numbers and precentages (%) or median and interquartile range (IQR). HPV: human papilloma virus, RRP: recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, MTI: mean treatment intervals
- Table 3
- Univariate and multivariate regression results of the association between the change in Derkay score and other variables.
Variables Univariate regression Multivariate regression Regression coefficient 95% CI P-values Regression coefficient 95% CI P-values Gender (male) -2.25 (-7.87, 3.36) 0.404 - - - Age at diagnosis in years -0.446 (-1.25, 0.358) 0.254 - - - Length of follow-up in months -0.007 (-0.06, 0.049) 0.774 - - - Histology of specimen (squamous papilloma) Squamous papilloma and HPV 3.275 (-4.914, 11.46) 0.401 - - - Squamous papilloma and HPV P16 7.773 (-0.414, 15.96) 0.061 - - - Squamous papilloma, HPV-6, and HPV-11 0.273 (-10.85, 11.4) 0.958 - - - Complication Extra-laryngeal spread -1.88 (-8.44, 4.69) 0.542 - - - Posterior glottic stenosis -5.87 (-18.08, 6.33) 0.312 - - - Anterior commissure adhesion -3.88 (-16.08, 8.33) 0.499 - - - Disseminated RRP (pulmonary) -8.88 (-21.08, 3.33) 0.138 - - - First Derkay score -0.424 (-0.764, -0.083) 0.018 -0.337 (-0.683, 0.009) 0.056 MTI -4.52 (-18.4, 9.32) 0.496 - - - Patients treated with cidofovir (non treated) -5.83 (-11.5, -0.143) 0.045 -4.008 (-9.48, 1.46) 0.138 Patients treated with avastin (not treated) -1.13 (-7, 4.73) 0.685 - - - Total number of procedures -0.151 (-0.592, 0.29) 0.476 - - - CI: confidence interval, HPV: human papilloma virus, RRP: recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, MTI: mean treatment intervals