Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
- Baseline characteristics of women using etonogestrel subdermal implants (N=345).
Variables n (%) Mean Age, mean±SD 30.7±6.3 Parity, median (IQR) 2 (3) BMI, mean±SD (rage) 28.09±5.9 Chronic disease* 77 (22.0) Have you ever used any contraception? 298 (86.0) Reason for choosing ESI High effectiveness 145 (42.0) Long duration of use 108 (31.0) Medical advice 66 (19.0) Fewer side effects 37 (11.0) Who influenced your decision to choose ESI? Doctor`s recommendation 188 (54.0) Advised from family or friends 99 (29.0) Self-reading 68 (17.0) Received counseling from the doctor before insertion 279 (83.0) Choosing ESI for the second time 32 (9.0) Duration of use, median (IQR) 12 (16) months Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%), mean ± standard deviation (SD), or median and interquartile range (IQR).
ESI: etonogestrel subdermal implants, BMI: body mass index
↵* Chronic disease: endocrine, central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, and others.
Menstrual abnormality n (%) 95% CI Any menstrual abnormality 303 (88.0) 85-92 Abnormal duration Increased 134 (39.0) 34-44 Decreased 46 (13.0) 10-17 Amenorrhea 104 (30.0) 25-35 Abnormal amount Increased 66 (19.0) 15-23 Decreased 78 (23.0) 18-27 Irregular interval 284 (84.0) 80-88 Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%) and 95% confidence interval (CI).
Side effects n (%) Skin changes 157 (46.0) Rash 104/157 (30.0) Acne 36/157 (10.0) Generalized itching 7/157 (2.0) Mood changes 101 (30.0) Arm pain or numbness 64/345 (19.0) Headache 59 (17.0) Self-reported weight gain 42 (12.0) Changes in bowel habit 28 (8.0) Bothersome vaginal discharge 7 (2.0) Migrated implant 1 (0.3) Unintended pregnancy 2(0.6) Multiple side effect 7 (2.0) Values are presented as numbers and percentages (%).
Factors Discontinuation P-values* OR (95% CI)** Age (years) <40 9/35 (26.0) <0.6 ≥40 65/297 (22.0) Body mass index (kg/m2) <30 46/203 (23.0) <0.88 ≥30 25/106 (25.0) Counseling Yes 53/266 (20.0) <0.02 0.48 (0.25-0.94) No 19/54 (35.0) Arm pain or numbness Yes 24/64 (32.0) <0.002 2.5 (1.35-4.7) No 50/268 (19.0) Mood changes Yes 25/101 (25.0) <0.56 No 49/229 (21.0) Menstrual abnormalities Yes 63//294 (21.0) <0.4 0.694 (0.3-1.59) No 10/35 (29.0) Headache Yes 17/59 (29.0) <0.164 No 54/267 (20.0)