Article Figures & Data
Factors AII HBsAg(+) group HBsAg(-) group P-value (n=602) (n=154) (n=448) Age 59.72 ±14.14 61.57 ± 12.45 59.09 ± 14.61 0.060 Gender 0.955 Male 310(51.5%) 79(51.3%) 231(51.6%) Female 292(48.5%) 75(48.7%) 217(48.4%) Stage <0.001* I–II 248(41.2%) 32(20.8%) 216(48.2%) III–IV 354(58.8%) 122(79.2%) 232(51.8%) IPI score <0.001* 0–2 389(64.6%) 59(38.3%) 330(73.7%) 3–5 213(35.4%) 95(61.7%) 118(26.3%) B symptoms <0.001* Yes 217(36.1%) 79(51.3%) 138(30.8%) No 385(64.0%) 75(48.7%) 310(69.2%) Hans classification 0.635 GCB 256(45.5%) 68(41.2%) 188 (42.0%) Non-GCB 346(57.5%) 86(58.8%) 260 (58.0%) Extranodal involvement 0.473 Yes 197(32.7%) 54(35.1%) 143 (31.9%) NO 405(67.3%) 100(64.9%) 305 (68.1%) Therapy 0.399 CHOP 74(12.3%) 22 (14.3%) 52 (11.6%) R-CHOP 336(55.8%) 89 (57.8%) 247 (55.1%) Other 192(31.9%) 43 (27.9%) 149 (33.3%) Hepatic impairment 0.001* Yes 102(16.9%) 39 (25.3%) 63 (14.1%) NO 500(83.1%) 115 (74.7%) 385 (85.9%) Recurrence Yes 164(27.24%) 46(29.87%) 103(23.0%) 0.035* NO 438(72.76%) 108(70.1%) 345(77.0%) IPI: international prognostic index, GCB: germinal center B cell. Hepatic impairment is defined as ALT/AST or blood bilirubin > the upper limit of normal.
↵* P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
- Table 2
- Univariate analysis of the survival time of 602 patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Factors B SE HR 95% CI P-value HBsAg(+) group (Yes, No) 0.80 0.15 2.21 1.65–2.98 <0.001* Age (≥60 years, <60 years) 0.39 0.15 1.48 1.10–1.99 0.010* Gender (Male, Female) 0.02 0.14 1.02 0.77–1.35 0.915 Stage (I–II, III–IV) 0.92 0.17 2.50 1.80–3.47 <0.001* IPI score (0–2, 3–5) 1.24 1.15 3.44 2.58–4.58 <0.001* B symptoms (Yes, No) 0.52 0.14 1.68 1.26–2.23 <0.001* Hans classification (GCB, Non-GCB) -0.29 0.15 0.75 0.56–1.01 0.055 Extranodal involvement (Yes, No) 0.18 0.16 1.19 0.87–1.63 0.272 Therapy (CHOP, R-CHOP, Other) -0.06 0.08 0.94 0.81–1.10 0.462 ↵* P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. IPI: international prognostic index; GCB: germinal center B cell, HR: hazard ratio, CI: cinfidence interval
- Table 3
- Multivariate analysis of the survival time of 602 patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Factors B SE HR 95%CI P-value HBsAg(+) group (Yes, No) 0.38 0.16 1.46 1.07–1.99 0.017* Age (≥60years, <60years) 0.19 0.16 1.20 0.88–1.64 0.242 Stage (I–II, III–IV) 0.34 0.20 1.40 0.95–2.07 0.092 IPI score (0–2, 3–5) 0.88 0.19 2.40 1.67–3.32 <0.001* B symptoms (Yes, No) 0.23 0.15 1.26 0.94–1.07 0.122 ↵* P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
IPI: international prognostic index, HR: hazard ratio, CI: confidence interval