Article Figures & Data
Study data n (%) Age group 18 – 40 years 34 (19%) 41 – 60 years 24 (13%) 61 – 70 years 34 (19%) 71 – 80 years 48 (26%) >80 years 43 (23%) Gender Male 87 (48%) Female 96 (52%) Chronic comorbidity Yes 181 (99%) No 02 (01%) Variables n (%) Daily ventilation needs None 1 (01) 24 hours 165 (90) PRN 9 (05) Others 8 (04) Type of ventilation Aerosol trach collar 135 (74) Chronic ventilation 48 (26) Reason for admission CVA 52 (28) Multiple comorbidities 33 (18) Mental disorders 33 (18) Cancer-related disease 9 (05) Respiratory disease 10 (06) Post-operation complication 6 (03) Infection 21 (12) Others 19 (10) Reason for readmission (respiratory related) No admission 55 (30) Pneumonia-related cases 112 (61) Non-pneumonia-related cases 16 (09) Reason for readmission (respiratory unrelated) No admission 60 (33) Gastrostomy related issues 51 (28) UTI 33 (18) AKI 8 (04) Infection 14 (08) Others 17 (09) Ventilator None 3 (02) Non-invasive 130 (71) Invasive 50 (27) HHC program discharge status Deceased 72 (40) Alive 109 (60) PRN: Pro re nata (as needed), CVA: cerebrovascular Accident, UTI: urinary tract infection, AKI: acute kidney Injury, HMV: home mechanical ventilation, ATC: aerosol trach collar, HHC: Home Healthcare
- Table 3
- Frequency of emergency room (ER) and intensive care unit admissions (ICU) (N=183).
Variables n (%) ER visit (Respiratory related and unrelated) Yes 27 (15) No 156 (85) Number of ER visits respiratory-related (n=173) None 33 (19) 1 – 2 69 (40) 3 – 5 33 (19) >5 38 (22) Number of ER visits respiratory unrelated (n=177) None 33 (19) 1 – 2 40 (23) 3 – 5 47 (26) >5 57 (32) ICU visit respiratory-related (n=167) Yes 69 (41) No 98 (59) ICU visit respiratory unrelated (n=166) Yes 46 (28) No 120 (72) Number of infections respiratory-related None 58 (32) One 42 (23) 2 – 4 53 (29) 5 or more 30 (16) Number of infections respiratory unrelated None 92 (50) One 26 (14) 2 – 4 45 (25) 5 or more 20 (11) Parameters n (%) Name of the organism (respiratory unrelated) None 74 (40) Candida Albicans 7 (04) Escherichia coli 17 (09) Enterococcus faecalis 8 (04) Klebsiella pneumoniae 20 (11) Pseudomonas aeruginosa 14 (08) Staphylococcus 27 (15) Acinetobacter 4 (02) Yeast 5 (03) Other 7 (04) Name of the organism (respiratory related) None 68 (37) Pseudomonas aeruginosa 68 (37) Klebsiella pneumonia 5 (03) Staphylococcus aureus 22 (12) Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 4 (02) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 3 (02) Others 13 (07) Causes of infection (respiratory related) None 58 (32) Pneumonia 96 (53) Psuedomonas aeruginosa 18 (09) Respiratory failure 8 (04) Other 3 (02) Causes of infection (respiratory unrelated) None 90 (49) Infection of gastrostomy 9 (05) Urinary tract infection 63 (34) Other infection 12 (07) Candida auris and other organisms 9 (05) - Table 5
- Relationship between the outcome after Home Healthcare admission according to the basic demographic and intensive care unit admission characteristics of the patients.
Factor Deceased (n=72) n (%) Alive (n=109) n (%) P-value§ Age group ≤70 years 29 (32) 61 (68) 0.04 ** >70 years 43 (47) 48 (53) Gender Male 35 (41) 50 (59) 0.72 Female 37 (39) 59 (61) ICU visit respiratory-related Yes 31 (46) 36 (54) 0.14 No 34 (35) 64 (65) ICU visit respiratory unrelated Yes 25 (57) 19 (43) 0.003 ** No 38 (32) 82 (68) Reason for admission Cerebrovascular accident 24 (48) 26 (252) 0. 24 Multiple comorbidities 8 (24) 25 (76) Psychological disorders 12 (36) 21 (64) Infection 8 (38) 13 (63) Others (cancer-related disease, respiratory disease, post-op complication, et cetera) 20 (45) 24 (55) Reason for readmission (respiratory related) No admission 19 (35) 36 (65) 0.59 Pneumonia-related disease 47 (43) 63 (57) Non-pneumonia-related diseases 6 (38) 10 (63) Reason for readmission (respiratory unrelated) No admission 17 (28) 43 (72) 0.03 ** Gastrostomy related issues 18 (35) 33 (65) Urinary tract infection 16 (52) 15 (48) Others (acute kidney injury, infection, et cetera) 21 (54) 18 (46) Ventilator Non-invasive 43 (33) 87 (67) 0.003 ** Invasive 28 (57) 21 (43) Type of ventilation Aerosol trach collar 45 (34) 89 (68) 0.004 ** Chronic ventilation 27 (57) 20 (43) - Table 6
- Multivariable logistic regression analysis for the prognostic factor of mortality rates after home healthcare admission (N=181).
Factor AOR 95% CI P-value Age group ≤70 years Ref >70 years 1.995 1.012-3.933 0.046** ICU visit (respiratory unrelated) Yes Ref No 0.743 0.376-1.470 0.39 Ventilator Non-invasive Ref Invasive 2.710 0.226-32.527 0.43 Type of ventilation Aerosol trach collar Ref Chronic ventilation 1.186 0.095-14.867 0.90 AOR: adjusted odds ratio, CI: confidence interval, ICU: intensive care unit
↵** Significant at p<0.05 level.